75 hard

We can come here to share our struggles and successes with 75 hard.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,307 Member
  • wasereht
    wasereht Posts: 18 Member
    I’m on phase ; day 5. Made it through 75 hard without restarting. I swear, phase 1 already seems harder and longer!!
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    I started my own discussion about 75 Hard, not stopping to think that in a community like this there were bound to be others interested in that challenge. As I posted, I'm in the middle of moving across town, which is challenge enough for any sane person. The movers come in a couple of days and I'm planning on starting the day after Thanksgiving (which makes me wonder just how sane I actually am). The past two years have been a wild roller coaster ride and I'm hoping the 75 Hard experience will benefit me mentally as well as physically. It's touted as a way to reset and restart and, boy, do I need that.