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Logging water just got harder

I'm not a fan of the new water intake format. I have to click so many more buttons to log my water now. Also, when logging for certain meals, why does the format stay on the search instead of the meal you are trying to log? If I'm trying to reach a certain number of carbs for breakfast, for example, I have to keep clicking back to the "breakfast" from the "add food" after every log to see how much I've accumulated, then have to go back to "add food" to log another item. I like the new dashboard, but the old format to actually log your food was much more user friendly, I think.
5 votes

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  • jugewell
    jugewell Posts: 1 Member
    16.9 is a common bottled water option, now i have to manual log it.
  • nvisani226
    nvisani226 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree, and infact quite often you will lose what's been logged. This is a very buggy update and really much worse then the original version!! Please reinstate the old version which was also easier to use as mentioned elsewhere.