Fitness pal introduction

Hi everyone. I feel like I’ve dieted my entire life. At age 17 I joined WEIGHT WATCHERS, lost over 40 pounds. I was young and eager to lose weight so I didn’t deviate from the plan, went to weekly meetings. Over the years some of the weight did creep back on, But I could go right back on and lose 10 pounds in a months time. As I got older I accepted a higher weight goal than when I was 17. And the weight became much more difficult to lose. Weight Watchers didn’t inspire me anymore so I tryed many other weight loss plans.
I lost weight always but once I lost it I stopped the plan and felt like “ I’m good now, I can eat whatever I like!! WRONG
Because of course the weight came back
I don’t know if anyone on here has done the same YoYo dieting but I’m just tired of it
So…I’ve decided NOT this time. I’m going to a Weight Management through our local hospital. I see the dietician every week for 4 weeks then will go every other. I’m prediabetic and high cholesterol. The doctor who manages the program has been great. He recommended looking at it as a chronic disease, Obesity. That made sense to me and I plan to keep that in mind once I’m no longer obese. Hopefully this time I will do the maintenance and continue to monitor my food intake daily using this ap. Wish me luck!!! I’ll keep everyone posted. So far I’ve been 30 days tracking and have lost 6 pounds!!!


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,789 Member
    edited September 2022
    This is such an interesting post.

    When I had my “that’s it!” moment, I took advantage of the RD at my gym, which is owned by the hospital, but available to us in the community, too.

    She made all the difference for me.

    Each time I visited, I went armed with a list of questions, and allowed silence just to take advice and suggestions, too. It was a very effective way to utilize my precious minutes with her.

    She’s moved to another location now. Wish I could let her know the success she started me on.

    She was, btw, the one who recommended I join MFP.

    I hope your journey is just as successful!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    welcome! Your journey sounds so very familiar, I too am a WWer from my teens, and honestly, I could have written your post with the different plans, the losing and regaining.

    I'm back for hopefully my last go :)