
avatiach Posts: 318 Member
edited October 2022 in Health and Weight Loss
My trusty and accurate scale of 15 years died recently. I got a new scale. Was looking for something on the simple side and went by the reviews. Apparently some of the new scales hold onto the memory of recent weights and won’t reset the weight when your weight changes by small amounts. I thought my new scale didn’t do that, but then I weighed the same exact amount three days in a row. (It is an Ektecity.). I would expect to vary a little bit. If you have a newer scale, what has your experience been? I want a “new” (real) weight every day and expect only occasionally will it be exactly the same as the day before. What have your experiences been?


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,759 Member
    Mine does that as well. If I get the exact same weight a couple of times in a row, I will pick up something that weighs a pound or so, weigh myself, then set it down and weigh again. That resets it.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 10,023 Member
    If you can't return it then step on the scale with something heavy in your hands first, then a second time without. Might just do the trick.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,953 Member
    Mine doesn't seem to do that, even on a setting where it knows which scale user I am. It's a pretty low end Buerer scale, not bluetooth or otherwise IOT, but will give me silly/untrustworthy body fat estimates if it knows my demographics, so it has user-identification settings.

    Yirara's and Spiriteagle's advice is what I'd do if my scale did the false-memory thing. However, when other folks have talked here in the Community about scales that remember, they're talking about weigh-ins pretty close together time-wise, not whole days apart.

    It's possible to be the exact same weight 3 days in a row, just statistically improbable. Even if the scale is new, you might want to check the batteries?
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ha! ... My scale is a really old WW one that sometimes remembers my previous weigh-in and gives that for the first step on and a new weight with the second. However, I have found that I can get a fluctuation within 2 pound on any time I step on it when doing multiple step-ons in a row. So that's made me realize how scale weight is a relative thing and not something that I can rely on to be spot-on .. It has helped me to realize that a trend in weights is what I need to look for .. and I also tend to think of weight not being changed until it crosses the 5-pound mark. ... I understand that this way of looking at it would drive most people to a crazed distraction. It used to drive me up a wall of frustration at one time, but it doesn't anymore.
  • avatiach
    avatiach Posts: 318 Member
    This is apparently something that can be a “thing” with new scales. According to a NYTimes wire cutter analysis, “ Many inexpensive bathroom scales respond reliably only to a weight change on the order of half a pound, or, as we found through our testing, will even pull your weight readings from memory without trying to measure you. ”


    Anyway I will try having something heavy nearby to reset it as needed.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,374 Member
    What I do with mine is rest one foot on the scale until I get a reading and then weight myself. Keeps the scale from remembering a previous weight.