Insanity Help

Hi i'm new not sure if this in the correct section, but I'v been doing Insanity for 40 days and well I haven't noticed physical results, but I have lost 17 pounds my beginning weight was 228 now its 211 I cut out soda and I ONLY drink water. I drink a gallon a day and do the workout after school. My daily meals are

breakfast: oatmeal with a little bit of honey

lunch: school lunch I try to eat half of the entree just so I'm not hungry during the day

dinner: 2 cans of tuna with 1/2 cup of corn

I also count my calories with my app.


  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    How much are you actually eating? When I did Insanity earlier this year I followed the calculations and it said to eat at least 1700 a day, and if you're a guy you need to eat even more. You can't starve yourself while on Insanity. You also probably need to up your protein, do you have a protein drink after Insanity? It might also help if you open up your diary.

    But congrats on the 17 pounds loss! When I almost finished it I only lost 1 total pound (initially gained 4 and then lost 5). Keep it up and try to finish strong! Month 2 was hard for me
  • alanp96
    I kept messing up the calculations so I'm just using the calorie amount fitness pal gave me.