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Copy Recipes

I’d really like a function added to be able to copy a recipe. Sometimes I have a base recipe I love but want to chance a few ingredients. I either have to go through the motions of creating a new recipe or edit the original. If I could just “copy recipe” it would be awesome to then make minor edits.
9 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • sheilabailey940
    sheilabailey940 Posts: 2 Member
    I will love to have this feature. I have a base smoothie. The only thing different between my smoothies is the fruit I use.
  • maury91
    maury91 Posts: 3 Member
    This function exists on the web version but not in the app, weird
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 873 MFP Staff
    MyFitnessPal does allow you to copy any recipes you have created.

    On the web:
    • Log into the website -
    • Click Food then Recipes
    • Find the recipe you would like to copy and select Copy
    • You'll be taken to the recipe editing screen where you should see (copy) at the end of the recipe title
    • Edit your Recipe and Save or Save & Log It