I'm back..again..

Hi Everyone,

I've been on and off again on MFP for years. I just dipped my big toe into the Type 2 diabetes pond, so I am here to stay now.

It's taken this to finally get me to take my weight seriously. I am already "pre glaucoma" just due to genetics and have been advised if I allow full diabetes to get established I'm pretty much guaranteed to lose most of my sight eventually.

I'm 47, feel 97 and I've 75+ pounds to lose. I'm confident I can do this. It's no longer a matter of choice. I've an 11 yr old grandson I want to see grow up and I'd love to make it to great granny stage.

Hubby is supportive, will eat whatever I put in front of him (without complaining) so I won't have to cook separate meals thankfully. It's the social side that worries me.
We don't have a lot of friends, but we spend a lot of time with the ones we have. Food and drink are a big part of things. I can go out without alcohol, so I'm not too bad there, but its the meals out I will really struggle with. Any ideas other than the usual ones such as eat before I go out?


  • jgao7
    jgao7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I hear you, it’s not easy but stay positive! I’m rooting for you. You got a lot of reasons to keep up in track but you gotta do it for you. My doctor said that I’m getting to be pre diabetic. He even gave me pills. It’s now or never to get to the point where I am. But we gotta stay strong. You’re not alone, I’m starting too! We got this! 🙂
  • kenman923
    kenman923 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm with you. I was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I was also a sporadic user MyFitnessPal, but ready to get serious. We are in this together and we will manage our diabetes.
  • Lolan12
    Lolan12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I've been using MFP on and off for a few year. Lots of ups and downs. Currently in the down. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. For a while there, I managed to keep my blood sugar level in low range like my doctor wanted me to. Lately, they have begun to spike and my weight went up. I cant seem to get it to come down. My goal is to lose another 65 lbs. I really struggle trying to hit the nutrition goals. I can never get protein. I have started going back to the gym but it is hard. They say that you don't have to do much but when you go to the gym and see people doing intense workouts you feel like you should be doing as much. And I can't so I feel very self-conscious about it.
  • AllyCGR
    AllyCGR Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I need to kick myself into high gear because my doctor is concerned with my sugar and cholesterol. (Not pre diabetic, but close, and higher cholesterol for someone my age).

    I also struggle with eating out, have you found a solution that has been working for you?

    I love weight lifting! I’ve been doing it for a little over a year (with more or less consistency). It’s so fun and you’ll be amazed at how strong you get physically and mentally! To make sure I get enough protein I add plant based protein powder. I add it to smoothies, muffins, my coffee, or even oatmeal. Protein powder, or collagen powder are what really provides me with enough protein each day.

    Good luck!
  • StarryNight37
    StarryNight37 Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry, just seeing your reply now!

    Sadly I haven't really found the eating out solution. I haven't been eating out much and when I do I plan in advance and make sure I am under calorie a little bit the day before and then I just go and without being totally crazy, just enjoy it. Then the next day I make to to stay under calorie a little bit.

    To be honest, since my taste buds and appetite are changing, I don't actually want to go out much. So much of it is disappointing. I "treated" myself to Subway last month and threw 1/2 of it away, it was just awful :( How did it used to taste so nice??

    I need to work on the protein, I'm struggling to get enough in. I can't have pea based protein so need to try the collagen stuff.

    Hope your doing well!
  • StarryNight37
    StarryNight37 Posts: 26 Member
    The scale says 60 lbs lost as of this morning!
    I'm delighted with myself :)

    Originally I was aiming to lose 75, but I'm going to adjust that to 100. That would bring me to what I weighed when I was 15, at my Dr's appt when the confirmed I was indeed pregnant. I was about 25 pounds overweight then as well.. but mentally, to know that I could easily make it down to my age 15 weight is astounding to me!!!