need some motivation?

I have two kids, one of them was just born 2 months ago. I really want to lose around 30 pounds
and be comfortable in my own skin again! I begin working out to insanity with shaun t and lose
interest bc its so hard, so i try another work out routine and lose interest, so then i try eating
healthy and give up, goshhhh im a broken record. I really need some real encouragment and
also some tips on how to stay motivated and get back into my size 7 jeans. I tryed printing
out a picture of me a couple years ago and using it as a get up and do it thing but i just keep
giving up. Maybe if I know some other pplz ways of motivating themselves and staying motivated
i might stick with it?


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Everyone is different. What motivates one does not motivate another. The biggest motivator has to be that you want to make a change. And you have to feel like you are doing good for yourself, not depriving yourself.

    Me, my motivator is my health. I feel better when I'm running and eating right. For exercise I don't do any fantastic programs, I just run. I like running. It's quick and easy.

    And I don't beat myself up. If I cheat, I just get back on the horse and try to have a longer time between cheats next time.

    I also do "weekly calories" so if I'm going somewhere or doing something special on the weekend, I'll save cals from each day for that. 100 cals less each day = 500 more on the weekend. That's 5 corona lights. It's really important to me to have that during football season :)
  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 111 Member
    Most definitely join a group. Or create one. When I first joined MFP I wanted to do the Turbo Jam workouts. I started a group and we made a schedule, regular check-ins, goals for the group and individuals. Have a couple of moderators. It will keep everyone accountable and give you all a common goal. You definitely have to have friends that have common goals. People who are similar in weight, goals and lifestlyle are recommended.