LOTS of Recipes

Hi, all!

My name is Tim, I'm relatively new to this site - a mere 56-day sign-in streak - and this is the first time in my 70 years that I have ever logged anything - let alone food.

I's working. I'm paying attention to what I'm eating and actually losing weight - without "dieting."

I've been in the food business all of my life - from washing sheet pans in our neighborhood Donut shop circa 1961 to hand-spun pizza, baking on an aircraft carrier, hotel food and beverage management all over the USofA, Nutrition and Dietetics at SFGH and UCSF, to demo cooking at Trader Joe's outside of Philadelphia.

In 2002, while at Trader Joe's, I started a recipe web site that, in 2005, morphed into a food blog and recipe collection that now has over 5000 recipes.

I have my Mom's cookbooks from the '60s and '70s, a Heart Healthy Cookbook written by a friend when were at UCSF, Family Reunions, Family and Friends, Holidays... tons of stuff.

There are no ads, no links, nothing to buy, nothing to sell - just fun recipes for fun people. I make no money from this - it's a labor of love.

Check it out! https://tjrecipes.com/