
Looking to connect with other people that are on Mounjaro.


  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    Hello I took my second shot today. I’m loving not being hungry!
  • Hi! I’m on day 3. No appetite which allows me to make good choices!! My blood sugar was 79 today!! Trying to eat low carb.
  • Hello, I started the 2.5 on 11/16 SW 195.8. No side effects. However, I am still hungry at night. Any suggestions?
  • Gloria3124
    Gloria3124 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I just started Mounjaro on Saturday. SW:165, hypothyroid/Hashimotos, insulin resistant. GW:130.
    Any tips you can provide is greatly appreciated ❤️
  • kachiang
    kachiang Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, This is my 11th week on Mounjaro. I've lost 20 lbs so far. Mounjaro helps with appetite suppression but I feel often times it is still self control.
  • amywalls1971
    amywalls1971 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm getting ready to inject my 13th dose this weekend. I am at 20 pounds lost also with 40 to go. I agree that making good choices and carefully watching my macros is the key and for me Mounjaro helps me with making those decisions as well as stabilizing my metabolism post menopause.
  • lorishere
    lorishere Posts: 3 Member
    I started on Mojarro on December 2 and I am down 9.5 LBS. I’m having a hard time getting my insurance to cover it. any help with that Is greatly appreciated.
  • jamu1528
    jamu1528 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I started Mounjaro in August. Lost 15lb. Now I have been waiting a month to get it back in stock and have gained 5 pounds. Now I am back on MFP to get myself back on track while I wait for my 10mg.
  • mleugene301
    mleugene301 Posts: 1 Member
    Started the 1st of November, down 22 lbs today and my BLS is averaging about 125.
  • erikaproctor5864
    erikaproctor5864 Posts: 2 Member
    Started November 15 down 19 lbs! Last 3 weeks only 1 lb!
  • sherrifronko
    sherrifronko Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there.
    I started MJ on 11-7-22 I just took my 10 injection of 2.5 I’m down 15.1 lbs. my Dr prescribed it this way at 2.5 for 6 months. I cannot imagine going up in dose because I am struggling to eat enough. Some might say that’s a good problem but a struggle is still a struggle.
    I joined MFP and my TDEE says even with the 500 cal deficit my calories are 1465 per day. Today I struggled to get to 1200 and feel miserably full.
    I came somewhat close to the protein goal tho.
    I just can wrap my head around eating more to lose weight.
    On the bright side I’ve combat the side effects like sulfur burps, vomiting and diarrhea. My holy grail is Prilosec!
    My SW for MJ was #240.7 and CW 226.6

    I’m going to see how it goes by trying to get to my calorie deficit of 1465 but I’m not convinced it will work.
    I am drinking a gallon of water every day tho so that may be filling me up.

  • Kaijakk
    Kaijakk Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all, I started on November 12, so it's been 2 months. I've lost 20 pounds. Yay!
    I was on 2.5 mg for 2 months and today i'll be taking my 2nd 5 mg shot.

    I'm little nauseous on Saturday and Sunday, which doesn't really bother me. But the fatigue! This weekend I'll try to sleep more at night to see if that helps. Any tips?
  • Kaijakk
    Kaijakk Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I started the 2.5 on 11/16 SW 195.8. No side effects. However, I am still hungry at night. Any suggestions?

    Have you gone up in dose yet? Has it helped?
  • Kaijakk
    Kaijakk Posts: 4 Member
    lorishere wrote: »
    I started on Mojarro on December 2 and I am down 9.5 LBS. I’m having a hard time getting my insurance to cover it. any help with that Is greatly appreciated.

    Any updates on the insurance coverage?
  • pbj333
    pbj333 Posts: 5 Member
    Do you have type 2 diabetes or can this be used solely for weight loss? I’ve not heard of it until now. I do take thyroid medicine as I have Hashimotos.
  • SheabytheSea
    SheabytheSea Posts: 5 Member
    Saturday was my 8th dose - 4 @ 2.5 and 4@5, this Saturday I move up to 7.5. I'm very nervous because I have terrible nausea and fatigue, especially at the step up in dose. I literally can't get out of bed the next day. But I have lost 25lbs in 8 weeks, all without really trying, so I really don't want to stop. I have 100+ to lose, and this is the only thing that has worked. My doctor gave me something for the nausea, but I haven't taken any because really I think that is a big part of how it works. I have almost no appetite and if I take the nausea meds, will I feel like eating again? I am also getting a sleep study next week, so maybe if my quality of sleep improves the fatigue won't be so bad.
  • MissYuck
    MissYuck Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just decided to join the community to keep an eye on what I’m eating and have more control over my weight loss. I started Mounjaro August 9 and I lost a couple pounds right away but it was probably because I was recovering from a rough incisional hernia repair and the pain was pretty bad at the time. I ended up gaining the few pounds I had lost and maintained that until October when I was on vacation in Florida and had a dose increase to 10 mg. That seemed to turn things around for me and I finally experienced the effects that I was seeing so many others in my support groups talk about. I had been on Ozempic for a year prior to starting Mounjaro and only maintained my weight loss from a different medication until I had shoulder surgery and started to gain some weight. I’m now on 12.5 mg for a few weeks and I’ve lost 19 pounds since I started losing weight in October. I’m having diarrhea but it’s maybe TMI to talk about, just odd because it’s a little bit at a time throughout the day and night. Not sure if that’s normal. I feel sick to my stomach since eating lunch now. I don’t normally feel sick unless it’s injection day or the day after.
  • amywalls1971
    amywalls1971 Posts: 2 Member
    pbj333 wrote: »
    Do you have type 2 diabetes or can this be used solely for weight loss? I’ve not heard of it until now. I do take thyroid medicine as I have Hashimotos.

    Technically... Yes. The rules for dispensing Mounjaro as of current date you are supposed to have a T2D diagnosis. There are people taking it that do not. It would be something to discuss with your doctor.
    You also may want to discuss the slight risk factor that has been talked about everywhere where there was a risk for thyroid cancer in lab mice (which were given very high doses). Your doctor may have concerns with your Hashimotos, not sure.
  • I just lost my first 50lbs on Mounjaro. I started Oct 2022. I’m currently on 12.5mg and feel this is the sweet spot for me.
    I do struggle with my calories and I’m actively trying so I add a protein shake here and there. I eat low carb as much as possible ( not keto). Anyway, I’m here for the journey….
  • enggold09
    enggold09 Posts: 16 Member
    Just started MJ 2 years ago. Looking for friends for this journey
  • sophie288
    sophie288 Posts: 12 Member
    How is everyone doing on their Mounjaro journey? I am on my 4th shot of 2.5, and will be continuing with 2.5 for another month. I have lost 10lbs. so far, some minor side effects. I have been keeping my protein up and eating between 1200-1500 calories a day.
  • lukajoey
    lukajoey Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi Everyone, I'm injecting shot #2 of 2.5 tonite. Down 9lbs week 1 - SW 268, 63 y-o female. So far (1100 cals) had been great with zero side effects, no hunger, more energy - great! - until 2pm yesterday afternoon I got a huge "bout" of bad stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea, had to lie down in bed - luckily, only lasted 20 minutes and then have felt totally fine since. I am praying this is just my body adjusting and I hope it is just the rather mild(?) side effects that might be expected.....I wasn't prepared though as I thought I'd get side effects at the beginning closer to the dose....weird that Day 6 is when it hit.
  • winniwoman
    winniwoman Posts: 4 Member
    I've been moving up the strengths of Mounjaro levels. I am now at 7.5mg. I don't seem to be losing much yet. It's only been a few pounds so far. Can you give me your experience with this? How long did it take you to start losing significant amounts of weight? What concentration did you get to when this happened?
  • ItsSoYummy
    ItsSoYummy Posts: 9 Member
    I started Mounjaro 5 weeks ago to get my Type 2 under control. Hadn't really heard about the weight loss bonus until then. So sugar dropped from 324 to 140 and I've also lost 12 pounds without doing anything different than stabbing myself once a week. Tomorrow will be my second shot at 5mg. I'm going to start tracking food again. Hoping to start dropping pounds even faster with some effort on my part.
  • nitronurse08
    nitronurse08 Posts: 1 Member
    I don’t know if this thread is still active, but I hope so.

    I just started Mounjaro 10 days ago. So far fantastic, already lost 4 pounds.

    Would love to connect with others on this journey, it would be especially great to talk to people who have been on it for awhile, who reached goal and are maintaining—but would also love to connect with people like me who are just starting.♥️
  • KerryBSoCal
    KerryBSoCal Posts: 286 Member
    Hi. I have been on Mounjaro for two months. I just found out that it is back ordered at Optum Rx, with no idea when it will be available. I’m worried! If you’re on the lowest dose you should be okay with supply. Good luck with your journey. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
  • onhaltn
    onhaltn Posts: 28 Member
    On Mounjaro since Nov 2022. Female, 65 yrs old. SW 272. CW 178. Now at 12.5 dosage. Exercising an hour a day (swimming laps, stationary bike) and some weight training. Keeping at or below 1000 cal/day. Pretty much eliminated meat from diet. Mostly yogurt, seafood, eggs, berries, carrots, green vegetables, some oatmeal. Feeling infinitely better! But still a long way to go. Goal is 133, so still 45 pounds to go. Lucky that drug has not had gastro-intestinal side effects except at very beginning. Do have restless sleeping, and unsure if it is related to the drug.