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Ingredients I've Pre-Approved for Previous Recipe Accessible When Adding New Recipes

Hello MyFitnessPal Staff!

After giving up in 2019, I'm still during my 2022 free trial period trying to decide if this program is worth all the effort for me since I find it cumbersome adding my recipes for nutritional analysis.

I cook fresh meals several times a week and have dozens to add. I’m careful to check the nutritional information of each ingredient in your database which are often incorrect according to my package of the same item, so I go on to keep checking more entries to find the right one. Until recently, I would edit the incorrect items if it was a close match but wasn't given that option today (not sure why). I don’t mind doing that searching and approving process ONCE for each ingredient, however, because I don’t have access to the ingredients I already pre-approved when I’m building recipes (for example, vegetable oil, salted butter or chopped onion), I have to keep repeating the searches OVER and OVER for each recipe.

None of my dinner recipes are take offs on each other so it's not like I could use a copy of a recipe as a starting point like I did when I added several Eggland’s Best Joi Smoothie recipes. My dinner recipes do repeat individual ingredients, however, like oil, butter, garlic, onion, the type of meat we choose, etc. just not in a way I could copy one recipe and use it as a starting point.

Would you please look into having the IT staff either (1) give users access to Recent Foods when building recipes or (2) EVEN BETTER, save a list under recipes of the ingredients we’ve pre-approved for recipes so we can quickly access them when adding subsequent recipes? (That way we wouldn’t have to wade through everything we’ve eaten on the Recent List just to find recipe ingredients.)

Thank you for your time and consideration! p:)

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