Recommitting after falling off the wagon for 3+ years.

Where to start...

I'm not a new member but an old one that is returning after 3+ years of being away.

I had always been heavy, 490lbs. at 39 years old. Then in 2010 it clicked that I needed to get in shape to be there while my kids grow up. From 2010 - 2012 I lost 260lbs, going from 490lbs to 230lbs. at 6'6". I was able to maintain around 250-260lbs for next 7 years with a good exercise program and making good food decisions. I ran a half-marathon, lifted weights, biked, ran, and was generally active.

In late 2018 we had layoffs at my job, and the stress got to me. I wasn't exercising as much or watching what I was eating and gained about 40lbs. in a year.

Then Covid-19

My gym was closed, and I was working full-time from home, less then 10ft. away from the refrigerator. I wasn't exercising or watching what I was eating, and gained 120lbs in the next year and half. Once my gym opened, I was too embarrassed to go back with all the weight I had gained.

I started building out a home gym, with a full power cage, barbells, dumbbells and pulley stack. I still have the spin bike, ellipse machine and treadmill from before I gained the weight. Over the past year, I had start an exercise routine a few times, but was never able to stick with it.

I had a serious conversation with my Doctor this October and I am committing to getting back on the wagon and losing the weight and getting back in shape. I have started exercising in the morning, doing 45 minutes of cardio between the bike, treadmill and ellipse machine, and 30-40 minutes of weight lifting. I've been back at it for almost 4 weeks now. It feels great to be exercising and lifting weight again! I have lost 20lbs. so far and have a pretty good exercise/food routine going.

I'm looking for some active friends, who post their workouts and are supportive to help me stay motivated and keep me accountable. I try to post my workout everyday and weigh in.
