Need a hardcore fitnees pal :/

So I'm not going to lie. I'm a wee bit obsessive. With my calories working out etc. Pretty sure I'm going to start losing my "normal" friends because I can't shut up about it. I was wondering if there were any gals that can relate or would be message buddies?

I workout 6 days a week, I double up every other day.
I count ALL my calories.
I'm currently 5'3 at 119 19.5% fat i want to do 109-111 at 17 or less %.

If there is anyone else with this "problem" Icould totally use someone to relate to. Kind of lonely plus being the only person Iknow like this makes me feel way insane.


  • tsunshineandkoalas
    tsunshineandkoalas Posts: 13 Member
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    Lol I am you, I'm driving people nuts also. I am 5'1" 116lbs down from 120lbs. I also hit the gym 6 days a week and do a double day at the gym probably twice a week. I hate taking a day off, love it at my second home! I even exercised everyday on our holiday. :-) I count every single calorie down to one square of a caramilk bar, which is a big treat for me!