Eating High Calories, Still Losing Weight? Share, Please?

I'm trying out "The 100" diet right now. But the high calories scared me off. So I am doing the program - except with caloric intake at about 1200.

I would be very interested if those who are eating lots of calories would post here what their weight loss program looks like.

Calories, what you eat to attain the calories, how you choose to eat what you eat, what else you incorporate to find success, and how your weight loss progress has been - is it slow or fast, steady or sporadic, how long have you been doing this, etc.

I hope some can find the time to share these things in one thread here. :o)


  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to take a look :wink:

    Set up to lose 1lb a week. Basically a lot of exercise and eating exactly what MFP tells me to
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I eat at least 1600-1800 calories a day. On really active days like yesterday I eat more. My diary is open.
  • I aim to eat 1808-2000 cals per day, with a heavy focus on protein and fiber. I try to avoid heavily processed foods as much as possible and to eat something every 2.5-4 hours so I never get too hungry. I try not to eat more than 500 cals in one sitting. I still enjoy wine and dark chocolate on a fairly regular basis. I've lost 53 lbs since the beginning of 2013. My diary is open -- feel free to take a look, and best of luck figuring out what works for you!
  • My diary isn't open and I haven't been particularly religious about tracking what I eat, but I'm eating somewhere around 1700-2000/day and now that I'm paying attention again, I'm losing from 1-2 pounds a week again.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    With the amount you are aiming to lose, you really don't have to eat so low as 1200. Unless there is an underlying medical condition, you will still get results eating higher than that.

    I lost 50 lbs in my first 52 weeks by eating at the 'lose 1 lb per week' level. It might sound slow, but it's ever so much easier to keep going when you don't feel hungry. You would be pleasantly surprised.

    (for comparison - when I was 200 lbs, I was eating 1450 cal per day, not doing any exercise at all, and I was losing weight)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well, there's a trick to be able to eat more. Exercise.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Check my diary for what I eat. I eat what I like most of the time, though I have cut out/switched out certain foods because of high sodium (I have HBP :sad: ). My goal is 1870 and I'm set at .5# (250 cal deficit) loss per week.

    My weight loss is sporadic since I upped my calorie goal in May. I still have 60# to lose, but I was finding myself sneaking food and not logging because my goal was too low (1700). I'm trying to look at a monthly loss because I'm on such a low deficit. This month I've lost a pound which is still a loss, but a pain in the butt when it should be a little higher. :grumble: Two periods this month didn't help either.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Usually my breakfast consists of either eggs on muffins with mushrooms, or oatmeal with fruit. The oatmeal is the lower calorie option, but the eggs keep me filled for longer and provide more energy, so it depends how I'm feeling when I get up. I usually have no more than 350 calories for breakfast.

    I usually end up skipping lunch due to work.

    Dinner I have quite a high calorie meal, usually always higher than 1000, no higher than 1500, but then I have exercise calories that I eat back and account for.

    So usually my daily intake average would be around 1800 calories. Give or take 100 on varying days.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I am set to lose 1.5 lbs./week, though for me, that really results in only about 1.25 lbs. when I meet my calorie goals; I think my BMR is somewhat lower than average (as is my body temperature, a significant component of BMR).

    I do 6-9 hours of moderate to intense cardio (mostly bike riding) every week, plus some basic strength workouts, so I need to eat a lot to fuel myself. I am averaging 2100-2200 calories per day, on a TDEE of 2600-2800 calories/day. I eat a light breakfast (toast and butter or cereal and milk, plus coffee), a reasonably light lunch (usually around 400-500 calories: sandwich, hummus with pita and veggies, sometimes half an Amy's frozen pizza if I'm lazy), a late afternoon snack (veggies, chips & salsa, whatever), a cocktail or mocktail around 7, and then a fairly large dinner of 700-1100 calories, usually home-cooked. (I like cooking, and it lets me know exactly how many calories are in what I make.)

    "High calories" is relative. With my activity level, I'll need to eat a lot more than I currently do in order to maintain, once I reach my goal. The last 8 months of tracking calories has also shown me how much I was mindlessly eating during the decade when I was slowly putting on weight.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Best success I've had has been since eating higher cals. Lost my last 10lbs, but more importantly quite a bit of fat and inches, while eating over 1800 cals a day. No gonzo workouts either - about an hour a day, 5-6 days a week, three days of circuit/HIIT stuff at home with dumbbells, and three days of running 3-5 miles.

    I still eat burgers, pizza, ice cream, drink alcohol, enjoy desserts - made it through the holidays last year without gaining anything and enjoyed all the goodies.

    Check out this topic - great info here on setting your calories and macros. No fads, no slashing carbs, nothing temporary about it - a way you can eat for life, lose the fat and keep it off:

    Don't be afraid of calories - food is fuel!

    Edited to add: dairy is open, all my info is posted on my profile if you want to check it out.