Anyone trying to lose weight for vacation? Looking for pals to compete against.

Tanyasun115 Posts: 20 Member
I wanted to see if anyone is going on vacation in the next month or so? I would love to get down as much as I can by Jan. 1st. Are you looking for a little friendly competition to encourage each other and drop as much weight as we can to fit those vacation clothes? I lose weight WAY faster when doing it at the same time as someone else and seeing their progress/food tracking.


  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    There are a number of accountability threads already posted that welcome people anytime - they have a variety of goals, and invite folks to do things like post goals and weigh in regularly, share tips and struggles, etc. If you don’t find folks who want to open their private diaries, those threads might be worth checking out.
    I successfully lost more than 75 lbs. I didn’t set out to lose that much, and I didn’t lose it particularly fast (it took close to 2 years). I am sure you will hear from others who have successfully lost and are maintaining that you can’t effectively lose weight with a “lose fast and get it over with” mentality, because then you put it right back on again when you go back to “normal” eating. The approach I took (and I am sure you will hear from others too) was to change calorie intake so that I was eating at a relatively modest calorie deficit between 350-500 calories less than what I needed to maintain daily. I have now added back to maintenance level calories, but that is not a huge change in how I have been eating. I always ate fairly clean to begin with, but people who eat lots of processed and fried foods that tend to be heavier in calories usually find that they need to slowly adjust away from that style of eating, and stay away from it permanently even after losing weight in order to stay healthy.Don’t forget about the calories in the drinks you consume. Once you start actually weighing and accurately tracking what you are eating and drinking daily you will see what your downfalls are and also figure out how to replace things that should be occasional treats with other foods that you like and make those bigger staples in your daily rotation.
    Have fun on your vacation because you are on vacation. Focus on your health just because its good for you. Don’t link them together unless you think you won’t be motivated to start any other way. Enjoy your trip!
  • Tanyasun115
    Tanyasun115 Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome job on your excellent success!! Congratulations! Thanks Barbie!