Hello, introduction in order

Hello fellow travelers. My name is Michael and this isn’t my first time here, but I intend to stick with it this time for my health. My physician suggested I use this to help log my daily caloric intake to assist me in making good choices. I look forward to this journey this time and to read everyone’s input and their journey as well.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Hello, Michael!

    Speaking as someone who's been around here for a while using MFP to lose weight and then stay at a healthy weight afterward, this absolutely can work. A powerful thing, IMO, is to be steady about logging everything, then reviewing that recent history thoughtfully.

    Things to consider:
    * Which things I ate had a lot of calories, but weren't as important to me for tastiness, satiation, nutrition, or happiness? Those are candidates to reduce or eliminate, going forward.
    * On days when I felt more energetic, how had I eaten that day (and maybe the day before as well)?
    * Did my eating affect my sleep quality/quantity, or did the sleep (restedness) affect my appetite/cravings?
    * Was it a high stress day or low stress day, and did that affect eating or appetite (or did eating/appetite affect stress)?
    * On days when I felt more full/satisfied, or less full/satisfied, what made the difference? (Could be food choices, timing of eating, emotions, sleep, boredom, hydration, social triggers . . . .)
    * Where something other than fueling or nutrition had a less desirable affect on my eating routine, what was it, and what's a different way I could address the thing(s) more directly. (I'm talking about those things just mentioned like boredom, emotions, social triggers, etc.) If the root problem isn't actual hunger or nutrition, the best solution isn't food.

    If some particular day doesn't go ideally, don't beat yourself up about it or feel guilty. Guilt burns no extra calories! Think of it as an experiment, with an outcome that you can learn from. If something doesn't work, you didn't fail, it's just that you haven't found the right personalized tactics yet - that method failed. Learn from it, recommit, and try a different strategy. Keep going, you'll get there.

    Wishing you success!
  • Kaye4healthxx
    Kaye4healthxx Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, Michael. I too am a returning MFP. My food diary is open to public. And feel free t add me