Losing Daily Streak

Does anyone find losing your daily streak zaps your motivation?
I log my food but sometimes fill it in a day or so late if I’m really busy. If I’m just a bit too late catching up with my food log is resets to zero. I’ve just lost a 168 day streak. So frustrating!


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Your streak continues as long as you just log into the app for the day. You don't have to enter food or close out your diary. So I just log in quickly each morning, and then add stuff later in the day as needed.
  • LiveOnceBeHappy
    LiveOnceBeHappy Posts: 434 Member
    Ugh, that would zap me! I'd pick myself back up, but it would suck. We're so data-oriented now that a walk doesn't "count" if the steps aren't logged. You've got this. Just.....start a new streak!
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    I don’t really let it bother me now. I have days and weeks where I don’t log in. Cos life gets busy. As long as I weigh myself every day. That’s my basic check.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    Try 'pre-logging', logging tomorrow, and even a few days hence. Especially if you eat something regularly, like breakfast, I often have the same thing, so I enter it in for the week, but I also don't care much about the streak. However, when I was on spark people, they were saying the steak *did* matter for #motivation. I was just reading about a guy who said after he lost a couple hundred pounds and was on maintenance for 5 years, only *then* could he stop logging. Also...consider using the app, or getting premium (I can't afford it but wish I could support mfp. Spark would still be around if it had been more supported) or writing it down, then logging digitally, whatever helps you the most. Pre-logging is also useful in planning/pre-planning success. Good luck!