If Obama decides to attqck syria. Im fleeing



  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Here in the UK we our government decided to not intervene in Syria, thankfully.

    Giving these hardcore Jihadists more excuses to commit domestic terrorism in the West is the last thing we need.


    Do you really believe this will give them ANOTHER reason????

    Wake up. They don't need another reason. Sit back and let Syria use chemical weapons on its own people or act, doesn't matter. Jihad will not be affected either way.


    We have Muslims from the UK that have gone to fight the alongside the rebels. These UK born and bred Muslims claim once they have finished in Syria, they will return to the UK to utilize their radical new found skills here.

    The American government might like spreading their version of "Democracy" to these countries, but their is usually an ulterior motive involved.

    As someone else said - "America, you're on your own with this one"

    You made my point for me...thanks!

    You can go back to bed now.

    Yes yes, of course I did.

    Politics is usually a topic you need to know something about before commenting...

    Just saying!

    Your right...You win.

    Actual intelligence versus propoganda you see on the news is what you should know something about.

    just saying.

    Reading a textbook doesn't make you an expert. I can tell by your point of view, you are making assumptions about something you know absolutely nothing about. But what makes you dangerous is you actually think your smart.

    But hey that's cool, I'm sworn to defend America and it's allies, so you're covered.

    You think I rely on the news for my opinions? Lol.

    Let me guess, you watched some Alex Jones on Infowars, and now you're a warrior of knowledge, rushing around using words like "sheeple" and "wake up"? Lol.

    My original point was about the UK government NOT wanting to intervene in Syria, then you jumped in, telling me to "wake up" regarding something that happens in the country I reside in.

    Do you live here, too? Have you listened to the opinions of UK born and raised Muslims? No, you haven't.

    Nothing to do with text books, this is about personal opinion, based on my own experiences.

    Go and whine @ your fellow Americans, not me. (Y)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Nobody hates going to war more than I do, but I'd also be disappointed if we just sat back and did nothing. It's going to be what it's going to be.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    You think I rely on the news for my opinions? Lol.

    Let me guess, you watched some Alex Jones on Infowars, and now you're a warrior of knowledge, rushing around using words like "sheeple" and "wake up"? Lol.

    My original point was about the UK government NOT wanting to intervene in Syria, then you jumped in, telling me to "wake up" regarding something that happens in the country I reside in.

    Do you live here, too? Have you listened to the opinions of UK born and raised Muslims? No, you haven't.

    Nothing to do with text books, this is about personal opinion, based on my own experiences.

    Go and whine @ your fellow Americans, not me. (Y)

    pardon me for asking because its hard to follow everyone's comments but are you muslim yourself? either way what would you like to see happen with Syria?
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Nobody hates going to war more than I do, but I'd also be disappointed if we just sat back and did nothing. It's going to be what it's going to be.

    can we realistically attack every country who treats their citizens horribly? why not attack North Korea?
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Here in the UK we our government decided to not intervene in Syria, thankfully.

    Giving these hardcore Jihadists more excuses to commit domestic terrorism in the West is the last thing we need.


    Do you really believe this will give them ANOTHER reason????

    Wake up. They don't need another reason. Sit back and let Syria use chemical weapons on its own people or act, doesn't matter. Jihad will not be affected either way.


    We have Muslims from the UK that have gone to fight the alongside the rebels. These UK born and bred Muslims claim once they have finished in Syria, they will return to the UK to utilize their radical new found skills here.

    The American government might like spreading their version of "Democracy" to these countries, but their is usually an ulterior motive involved.

    As someone else said - "America, you're on your own with this one"

    You made my point for me...thanks!

    You can go back to bed now.

    Yes yes, of course I did.

    Politics is usually a topic you need to know something about before commenting...

    Just saying!

    Your right...You win.

    Actual intelligence versus propoganda you see on the news is what you should know something about.

    just saying.

    Reading a textbook doesn't make you an expert. I can tell by your point of view, you are making assumptions about something you know absolutely nothing about. But what makes you dangerous is you actually think your smart.

    But hey that's cool, I'm sworn to defend America and it's allies, so you're covered.

    You think I rely on the news for my opinions? Lol.

    Let me guess, you watched some Alex Jones on Infowars, and now you're a warrior of knowledge, rushing around using words like "sheeple" and "wake up"? Lol.

    My original point was about the UK government NOT wanting to intervene in Syria, then you jumped in, telling me to "wake up" regarding something that happens in the country I reside in.

    Do you live here, too? Have you listened to the opinions of UK born and raised Muslims? No, you haven't.

    Nothing to do with text books, this is about personal opinion, based on my own experiences.

    Go and whine @ your fellow Americans, not me. (Y)

    pardon me for asking because its hard to follow everyone's comments but are you muslim yourself? either way what would you like to see happen with Syria?

    No no, I'm not Muslim. We have a lot of problems with radicalised Muslims in this country, and A LOT of the attacks done by Muslims, are justified because of the UK's involvement in the Afghan. A war that I personally was part of.

    We need to learn from our mistakes. As does America.

    What's happening in Syria is bad, but it's their problem.

    I'm a patriot and I would defend my country. On the other hand, I won't condone going to another country, bombing it, then staying there whilst I pilfer whatever resources are of value to me there.

    We have different problems with Muslims in the UK to America. there is more of them, they can get here a lot easier than they can the US, they're born here, radicalised here, then trained to murder the same people they went to school with.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    they moved back to the UK because of the police state style it's being turned into.

    Never thought I would defend the current administration, but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. :laugh:
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Canada will welcome all refuges because we are pushovers like that.

    That being said, our troops will likely be going along side the US. =\

    I should move to Switzerland.

    Haha good to know. I can walk 10 minutes from my house and see Canada right across the Detroit River, so it would fortunately be a short trip for me if something went down. :)
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    they moved back to the UK because of the police state style it's being turned into.

    Never thought I would defend the current administration, but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. :laugh:

    Oh yeah, it must be normal for police to brutalize women in America, shoot peoples pet dogs for barking and blurt out racist slurs whilst they beat on people that are a different color. :laugh:

    Youtube, believe it or not, is also in the UK ;)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    No no, I'm not Muslim. We have a lot of problems with radicalised Muslims in this country, and A LOT of the attacks done by Muslims, are justified because of the UK's involvement in the Afghan. A war that I personally was part of.

    We need to learn from our mistakes. As does America.

    What's happening in Syria is bad, but it's their problem.

    I'm a patriot and I would defend my country. On the other hand, I won't condone going to another country, bombing it, then staying there whilst I pilfer whatever resources are of value to me there.

    We have different problems with Muslims in the UK to America. there is more of them, they can get here a lot easier than they can the US, they're born here, radicalised here, then trained to murder the same people they went to school with.

    not bombing other countries as a general rule seems pretty sensible to me as well.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    can we realistically attack every country who treats their citizens horribly? why not attack North Korea?

    And what about those strikes against Rwanda when nearly a million of their people were exterminated? Oh wait..there weren't any.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Frankly, having just heard Obama's speech, all I can say is that he's totally nuts. Has he learned nothing from Afghanistan? You simply can't win in that region; get rid of one nutjob head of state and an even nuttier bunch of fundamentalists drop into the vacuum. When it comes to the Middle East, a thousand years of strife should have taught the West to leave well alone.

    I'm absolutely thankful to our UK parliament for voting against action. You're on your own on this one America!

    I'm actually a fan of Obama in general, but I agree with this. We don't need another war that's going to cost us astronomical amounts and accomplish basically nothing. The US has so many problems as it is - I really wish our leaders would focus on fixing our OWN country first instead of wasting time intervening with others.
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