How to measure Fat loss ?

I have been tracking my food intakes and find this website is very useful. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall. I reduced from 204 lbs to 200 lbs in last 2 weeks. But I am not sure, whether the weight loss is coming from Water or Fat or muscle. As anyone, I don't want to lose my muscle or get dehydrated, my intention is to lose my excess fat alone. My friend suggested me to buy “Accu-Measure Fitness 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester”

Is anyone tried it before ? I checked in Amazon and found mixed reviews.


  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    I have a scale that calculates body fat. I bought it at Wal-Mart for around $30. I don't know how completely accurate it is, but it's very consistent which is key. It also gives me a read out on my %water so I can know if fluctuations are due to water weight as well.
  • lalouli
    lalouli Posts: 41
    Wow Itsmenatalie (sorry, don't know your real name LOL)! I am so impressed and inspired! It sounds like this website has really helped you. Any special tips you'd want to share??
  • MissAmandax
    You can take measurements, and calculate an estimate of your body fat percentage that way. I've started doing that as well because I'd like to know how much FAT I have, gaining weight isn't neccessarily a bad thing, as long as it's from muscle. What I did was google "Body Fat Calculator" and found one where you put your weight, height, and measurements in & it can give you a percentage calculation.
    :smile: Hope this helps!
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    Awe, thanks! If you want to visit my blog I did a post there a month or so ago with some of the details:
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    There's also an easy one at You can sign up for a free account and one of the nutrition tools is a body fat calculator. Not going to be the most accurate reading, but it's pretty good and all you need is your weight and waist measurement. HTH

    You can sign up here:

    Here's another set of calipers. They're $15 and I think they are good quality.

    You can get them at and Gear|Health%20Monitors
  • fitlife4ever
    fitlife4ever Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks a lot... you are ppl are true inspiration :smile:
  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    I have an Accu-Measure 3000 and LOVE it! I wouldnt use anything else.
  • fitlife4ever
    fitlife4ever Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, my friend also advised me to get Accu Measure. Will it work for Obese ppl too ?
  • LaurenH2010
    Thanks for the information and the good inspirations, I love this website :wink:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I use with accumeasure calipers. Seems pretty good to me.
  • fitlife4ever
    fitlife4ever Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah.. I am following Scooby's technique too :) .. His methods are simple and effective