How to keep the weight down while convalescing after an op

Hi - I am having surgery a week from today and I am worried about putting weight on during the recovery period. I will not be mobile for up to 2 weeks after the op and another 2 weeks on top of that before I can exercise.

I have asked my hubbi to juice fruit and veg for me and make soups - so I'm thinking a liquid diet for the first 5 days or so after.

Any advice please :0) - thanks


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You won't gain weight unless you over eat. Figure out your maintenance calories and don't go over them. Fat doesn't appear out of thin air.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I lost my first 40 pounds sitting in a wheelchair unable to even stand after ankle surgery. Just set your activity to sedentary and stick to your calorie allowance. I had mine set to 2 pounds loss a week, but I was morbidly obese so could allow myself to be that aggressive. I would set your calories to maintenance and eat up to goal, remembering that you will need a few extra calories while you heal.

    I hope it all goes well :flowerforyou:
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    The last thing you should be doing while your body is trying to heal is restricting your intake. Find your sedentary maintenance number and eat a healthy balance of all foods. There will be plenty of time for restriction later.
  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    I had surgery middle of June and ate at maintenance (2000 calories) for the 4 weeks before I could start moderate exercise and 6 weeks total until I could start more in depth exercise. I actually had to bump calories up a bit more as I was still losing - most likely as my body was needing more during the healing period. I kept my protein as high as possible and my healing went amazing. My surgeon kept asking me what I did as he hadn't seen anyone scar as nicely, recover as quickly, etc.

    So I suggest maintenance calories and lots of protein. Lots of water with lemon, stay hydrated, get tons of rest. Start back to exercise slowly but surely and you should be great.
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    I had to have surgery on my foot at the beginning of August and was unable to bo much apart from hobble round the house for the first couple of weeks !!! As I had just started trying to lose weight this was a bit disappointing but, as others have advised, I kept to a maintainance level of calories .Now I'm on the road to recovery and a little more mobile - using crutches !- I have reduced my calories and trying to do a little more excercise everyday !!
  • Thank you :0)
  • Thank you all - I understand about maintenance much better now and will def be eating lots of protein to help with the recovery/healing. Thanks again everyone :0)
  • Fat doesn't appear out of thin air.

    One to remember when I'm tempted! Esp with cakes!
  • lost_my_soul
    lost_my_soul Posts: 7 Member
    I hope your op goes well :)

    It's great that you have sought advice about how to keep the weight down but try not to panic too much. Keep up with the maintenance and don't restrict heavily ~ you'll need the energy for healing. Also allow yourself a treat now & again, it's bad enough being in pain/recovering without being harsh on yourself.

    You'll get there. xxx
  • Thank you - that's a lovely message x :0)
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    Fat doesn't appear out of thin air.

    Actually. . .sometimes it does. After a surgery in April after which I was on a calorie restricted diet provided by the hospital (that I didn't even eat sometimes because I didn't find it appetizing, I gained weight. When I asked why, I was told that it was because of medications and the sudden impact of being sedentary on my metabolism. When I was able to eat more and do more- - -even just moving about with a walker, I started losing weight.

    I am telling you this only so that you will be prepared for changes your body may go through after surgery. I do agree with other posters that, by making adjustments to your caloric intake that reflect your level activity (in consultation with your doctor and the nutritionist at the hospital), you can take control of your weight. There just may be some fluctuations due to the situation. So don't freak out. :)

    Take good care of yourself. Healing is your first priority.
  • Thank you - only just seen this - very helpful! :)
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Also, don't be alarmed if after surgery you have a weight gain, possibly up to five pounds. The doctor and nurses will be giving you fluids during and after your surgery. Those fluids, until you eliminate them, are heavy and will count on the scale. Even though this is 'temporary' weight gain, it can be distressing, since you haven't eaten much!! But, it will go away!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I agree with Sunny. Please don't worry if the scale moves up after surgery. All those IV fluids will make the scale move up but it's only temporary.

    Think of the recovery time as fueling your body. You want to eat the most nutrient dense foods you can to help your body heal. Skip the processed foods, eat a "clean" diet and you will be fine!

    Take care and best of luck with the surgery! I hope you have a quick recovery!:flowerforyou: