Focusing on feeling strong, confident and healthy!

Hi there everyone!!!

Here's my story... I was in the best shape of my life 5ish years ago. Since then there's been a lot of changes and stress. I'm starting to focus on myself again. I'm here to be inspired, motivated and learn a new thing or two. I would love some like minded friends to share my fitness journey.


  • Major_Psy_Girl
    Major_Psy_Girl Posts: 24 Member
    Same here, I was at my best a few years ago. I was fit, felt strong and healthy but I hit some bumps in road, and I’ve let myself go pretty bad. Almost feel guilty for doing so, but here I am, back at it. Starting from ground zero. The only way from here is up. You can add me if you like!
  • 2022lynne
    2022lynne Posts: 132 Member
    Same here! Feel free to add me.
    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    Feel free to add 😊
  • HitenL
    HitenL Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • OnTheRoad24
    OnTheRoad24 Posts: 218 Member
    My goal is 60 more lbs; I lost 22 lbs from 1 April - 30 June, then got distracted. I've managed to maintain up until October, when I started putting weight back on, so here I am again.

    I'm up front and pretty open, looking for supportive friends that don't judge but will also call me out when I need it, and aren't afraid to open up with their experiences... add me if you'd like.
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    Same here. I have 45 lbs to lose again. We can and we WILL!!
  • 5rypffbqzp
    5rypffbqzp Posts: 10 Member
    Similar story here! Still getting some rehab after several sports injuries but back in training and looking to get my fitness routines back in track. Let’s do this! 👍