How do you find suggested workouts for calories consumed?

shraddhu_venki Posts: 1 Member
I saw a post from MyFitnessPal with suggested workouts for food/calories consumed. How do I enable that feature?


    I_AM_ISRAEL Posts: 160 Member
    That’s more work than it’s worth.
    Choose a weight loss goal per week.
    Tracking calories accordingly.
    Check weight every week.
    Adjust calories accordingly.
    Never eat “calories burned”
    Keep it simple and be PATIENT
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,436 Member
    As far as I know, there's not an MFP feature to implement that directly.

    In general, in MFP, you set your "activity level" based on your pre-exercise routine, then add exercise when you do it.

    One way to add the exercise is to log it using entries in the MFP exercise database (cardiovascular section, including recording strength training duration there). You can even create your own personalized exercises. When you use an exercise entry from the database, MFP calibrates the number of calories based on your currently-recorded body weight and the amount of minutes you enter.

    You may be able to find an exercise in the database that works for the MFP suggested exercises. If not, you can create your own using their calorie estimates from the post you saw (that's a little iffy, TBH, since it depends on intensity and your size, for a lot of exercises).

    The other way people record exercise is to use a fitness tracker from the supported list (Fitbit, Garmin, etc.) and synch that to MFP. That will automatically compare your MFP calorie estimate to the amount of activity your tracker sees, and add/subtract calories from your goal to keep your estimated weight loss rate what you asked for. (Note that you have to enable negative adjustments in order for subtracting to happen when you're less active than MFP anticipates.)

    If you want to do as PP suggests, get your calorie estimate from a good TDEE calculator** outside MFP, include your planned exercise in the estimate (be sure to do your plan!), subtract calories for a deficit to lose weight (500 calories daily is approximately one pound a week), set your calorie goal manually, and eat that amount daily.

    Either way, follow your goal calories for 4-6 weeks, then compare your actual loss to your target loss. Adjust calorie goal if necessary (and sensibly moderate!). If you're female and premenopausal, compare body weight at the same relative point in at least two different monthly cycles.

    Either method can work, but monitoring and adjustment is a key part.

    FWIW, I used the MFP method of logging exercise and eating back those calories all through weight loss (obese to healthy) and have maintained a healthy weight for 7 years since the same way. That works best for me because my exercise calories are quite variable. I didn't find it "more work than it's worth" - not even close.

    Whether it's too much work for you - that's your call! 🙂

    Best wishes for success!

    ** Such as
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