Why are we eating (drinking) none meal items to supplement o



  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I have an Herbalife shake when I feel like it. Because I want it and it tastes good. I mix it with juice and ice and Silk and yogurt and maybe some fresh fruit. I am getting all the nutrients I need the way I want to. I would NOT make my meals of ONLY shakes, but I will have one because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

    I am a realist, and I know that "real food" is what is going to keep me healthy, but DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE I LIKE MY OCCASIONAL SHAKE. :noway:

    I also agree with arewethereyet about money being a factor. It is damn expensive to eat right. I have been out of work for 15 months, and sometimes we have to make a choice of grocery shopping or paying the mortgage. It's just our life right now. But we all do what we have to do. (Whether others understand or not...)

    I started to make a response like this yesterday, but I had to stop and think about what the OP said. It's not about EVER eating bars or having shakes, it's about replacing entire meals with those things. I'd like to think that most people would agree with that. I still eat bars and have shakes, but the bars will be a snack or if I have them at meal time I eat them with something else. Yesterday morning I wanted a Luna Protein bar, so I had one with some egg whites. Lately I've been drinking protein shakes, but it's always after my workout and then I have dinner.

    And it's not about "You can't EVER replace a meal." Yeah, money can be an issue or having one of those things is better than nothing. It's the people that willfully replace meals because they're doing it for a diet. That's the issue.

    You are so right! At last, someone read the entire note. :love:
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    I couldn't agree more. I'm not totally against shakes and premade meals, but I have seen how my friends would use them and rely on them for portion control and never learn how to control it themselves.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I have an Herbalife shake when I feel like it. Because I want it and it tastes good. I mix it with juice and ice and Silk and yogurt and maybe some fresh fruit. I am getting all the nutrients I need the way I want to. I would NOT make my meals of ONLY shakes, but I will have one because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

    I am a realist, and I know that "real food" is what is going to keep me healthy, but DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE I LIKE MY OCCASIONAL SHAKE. :noway:

    I also agree with arewethereyet about money being a factor. It is damn expensive to eat right. I have been out of work for 15 months, and sometimes we have to make a choice of grocery shopping or paying the mortgage. It's just our life right now. But we all do what we have to do. (Whether others understand or not...)

    I started to make a response like this yesterday, but I had to stop and think about what the OP said. It's not about EVER eating bars or having shakes, it's about replacing entire meals with those things. I'd like to think that most people would agree with that. I still eat bars and have shakes, but the bars will be a snack or if I have them at meal time I eat them with something else. Yesterday morning I wanted a Luna Protein bar, so I had one with some egg whites. Lately I've been drinking protein shakes, but it's always after my workout and then I have dinner.

    And it's not about "You can't EVER replace a meal." Yeah, money can be an issue or having one of those things is better than nothing. It's the people that willfully replace meals because they're doing it for a diet. That's the issue.

    Yeah, I don't think this thread was meant to "judge" anyone for supplementing anymore than threads that call out those of us who do have a problem reaching 1200 calories. While I am one of those people who struggle to hit that goal, I know that using shakes and bars is not the long term solution. I'm also on a budget, a very tiny one at that. But, I've learned that for 10 bucks at the local farmers market, I can get fresh food for the week. But, hey, if I don't have the gas to get me there, I have to make do with whats on hand. Sometimes its not the picture of health. Sometimes I have to forgo 2 meals so my daughter can have 3. But thats not that case all the time and I work hard to make it less and less. But hey, it happens.

    Like I said in a previous post, I'm a fan of Lara bars. But the thing that is, I don't use them to fill my calorie goals in place of real food on a regular basis. Its one thing if you are on the go, you failed to plan, your strapped for cash, or whatever. But to purposfully live that lifestyle because it will get you skinny quicker is the concern. Not judgement, but concern. We are all logical human beings, right? We know that we can't survive to an old age, healthfully, on shakes and power bars. So why do it now? Getting skinny now for the purpose of vanity isn't going to be all its cracked up to be 20 years from now. This is the time to consider whats on the inside too. Our insides will carry us to old age, vanity will die with aging. I don't want to die with my vanity.