Starting New Sit Down Job

I have been in sales for ever basically. Starting September 9th I will be starting a new position in a call center! I'm so afraid that I will gain weight! I plan on purchasing an exercise ball to sit on, does anyone have any ideas on things I can do to keep myself buring calories. I dont want to go into the job looking like a total freak with an exercise ball and hand weights, lol but i am seriosly considering it! I'm so afraid of gaining weight. I'm down 60lbs and really only want to lose another 5-10! HELP!!


  • jennamt87
    jennamt87 Posts: 17 Member
    Once I started a desk job from a waitressing job, I actually LOST weight! Its just that you need to make more of conscious effort when it comes to moving and eating. Simple things like using the restroom on a different floor, taking the stairs vs. elevator, parking in the back of the lot, walking to a coworkers cube instead of calling/emailing, etc. all add up! I also utilize my breaks to walk around my building or around the block! Make sure to take healthy snacks/lunches and really limit your trips to the vending machine or the coffee shop down the street! Not only will bringing your own save you calories, but also money!!

    You can do it!! Good luck!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    My suggestions would be 1--don't keep snacks at your desk (other than maybe fruit/veggies). 2--take full advantage of your breaks and go for walks (I used to walk 2+ miles each day on my breaks, and I still had time for an actual lunch). 3--avoid the break room if your coworkers are big on cake/donuts/etc... We had a few bakers on my team that were nearly the death of me! 4--If they're big on team lunches, choose wisely.

    I had a desk job (customer service for about 18 months, accountant for the rest of the time) from shortly after my 20th birthday until I was 30. I gained a few lbs, but it was more related to other parts of my lifestyle (eating out, specifically) than it was to my job. For me, I found that a desk job sucked the energy out of me and it was hard to work out.... but, of course, once I got in the habit it was fine. Just be warned, though, sitting on your a** all day is more exhausting than it sounds!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Definitely this ^

    I work at a desk all day. you definitely need to plan healthy snacks. And walk at break. I walk around the building on both breaks. I also help do the hiring at our job so I'm just gonna say it, please don't walk into your new job with an exercise ball! lol dumbbells you can bring in after you've been there a few days. You'll be just fine. it's pretty much all about diet anyways. just watch what you put in your mouth.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I work in a call centre also and I successfully lost and now maintaining. Majority of my colleagues snack throughout the entire day eating biscuits and choc etc plus numberous cups of tea or coffee. I snack on fruit and drink water. You can do it, just watch what you eat and exercise as and when you can. Good luck!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Once I started a desk job from a waitressing job, I actually LOST weight! Its just that you need to make more of conscious effort when it comes to moving and eating. Simple things like using the restroom on a different floor, taking the stairs vs. elevator, parking in the back of the lot, walking to a coworkers cube instead of calling/emailing, etc. all add up!

    I don't even use the bathroom in our building. There's a Kwik Trip convenience store about two blocks away. Typically (unless it's raining) I walk down the road and use the bathroom there. It's about half a mile with the round trip and that earns me 2-3 miles a day depending on how much water I drink.

    This place has really nice restrooms.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I have an exercise ball and it helps. You can also work standing often at a call center.

    WALK WALK WALK. If you can, walk at least 5 minutes and hour - all your breaks. Walk at lunch. It keeps your metabolism up.

    I'd also get a fitbit or a pedometer. It really helps you push yourself to get the steps you need.

    Don't eat at your desk. My brother-in-law gained 300 pounds doing that.

    Congratulations on the new job!