newbie with physical limitations

Go135al Posts: 4 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Today is my first day. I am so delighted to have found this sight. I am in my 50's and have medical physical limitations. This makes for a very difficult time losing weight. Every diet I have followed closely has failed for me and I can only assume it is because of the pace I walk, and the limits I have on exercise. So now, I am going to ditch diets and just start tracking. Eating healthy and moving to what I am able to move to is the best I can do. Plus I can remember the little things that add up, like that lick of the spoon on the peanut butter after measuring; moving limbs even while sitting; getting up every 20 minutes (I have a desk job) and playing with hand weights at every opportunity; and I am sure there is much more!

Do you struggle with limitations? I need a cane to walk, and I walk slowly. I can't get down on the floor but I have tried sit-ups while slumped on the couch! Any suggestions for burning calories with balance and moving limitations? Thanks! :heart:


  • sifu33
    sifu33 Posts: 34
    tracking is a much better bet than dieting as its not a big lifestyle change, everyone is going to have different ideas, but i came to the same conclusion, that if i managed what i actually ate better then i would be halfway there, as for exercise thats going to be best answered by someone with medical knowledge, but i had limitations by being extremely overweight and out of condition, this by its nature limited my mind. I decided to do general walking at my comfortable pace to build aerobic ability because I couldnt go straight to it as being so out of condition. then i research on internet, everything that i am able to do then give my all into it. The only limitation is your mind, u can do all those things from a chair, as you said, so its how badly do u want it. In my case the exercise has built to an average of 60mins a day and i want more, I did my first jog other day so, it can be done in moderation and careful planning.

    good luck
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Hi! I don't know how severe your balance limitations are, but I have Fibromyalgia and have limitations as well. I have been doing Wii Fit. They have light stretching (yoga) - which when I watch a REAL yoga fitness show it is nothing like what I do. LOL But it is good because it is low impact, for only a min or two each pose, and I can set up my own routine as to what I am able to do.

    There are even some that just require you to stand on the board and move your arms and are fun too!

    I also walk very slow - if I walk too fast my calf muscles will seize. I have Chronic Myofascial Pain. AT the fastest I walk is 3.0 mph. But to warm up I usually am at 2.0 or 2.5 mph.

    The way I look at it is, ANYTHING that you do that you weren't doing before is an improvement!!! I have heard of very overweight people who cannot get out of bed doing excercises in bed and losing weight!

    I also find that tracking food here is very helpful as well as eating 5 - 6 times per day has sped my metabolism up a bunch!!! I only at twice per day before so my body was starving. I haven't really changed my diet but just ADDED more food to it daily!

    Good luck and don't push yourself too hard. My dr. said baby steps!! What about swimming? They have arthritis swim classes that are gentle to the body.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Congrats on your first step to HEALTH! I think I would ask your Dr. for some suggestions. Can you do a stationary bike? Yoga? Exercise helps you eat more - which is a good thing! Best of luck to you!
  • Wow! are we sisters lost at birth??? You sound just like me except that I am 60. Have the same limitation too! Our attitudes about trying this way to lose weight are very similar also. I live in Minnesota and my name is Deb my address is nanas3angels (my granddaughters!)

    I wish you tremendous success and will be keeping an eye on your progress...feel free to do the same for/with me!!!

    Best of life to you! Deb
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome which limits what I can do . If I overdo it I am in severe pain and sometimes my body literally will just give out.. I find that swimming is one of the best exercises I can do, or aqua aerobics. It is alot easier on your joints. Just keep track of what you eat and do what you can . Even if you only do a little bit it is better then what you have been doing. Just stick with it. It may take us longer to get the weight off but the important thing is to stick with it and reach our goal, If you want to add me as a friend it would be great to encourage one another
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    I have some physical limitations as well. I broke 3 bones in my leg last year and had surgery and it still pains me. I'm no spring chicken and I've come to the realization that the pain isn't going to go away. Any form of exercise you can do is good exercise. Even walking slow. Like you said, get up every 20 minutes, hand weights, maybe some exercise bands to strengthen your arms as well. You can do it. This is a great website. Everyone is here for the same reason. You'll find so much support and motivation. You can do it.
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    exercise....who needs it....j/k ...but seriously....I've dropped 30 lbs. in 2 months and haven't "exercised" one bit aside from hauling my fat but around...Stay under your goal calories here at MFP and you will lose weight....if not go to the doctor and get checked out...I just got finished having hernia surgery and within a few weeks I plan on getting back into a workout routine....but not working out hasn't slowed my weight lose at all.....
  • Welcome, I have back trouble and recently went through lots of PT to get it stronger. There are many modified pilates moves you can do to get you started. If I can figure out how to post them here I will. You have made the first step, this site is awesome!
  • I have chronic asthma.....which is a BIG limitation on how much physical activity I can do at one time without getting too hot and having an attack.

    Just remember 90% of this is eating healthy! Trust makes a huge difference in what you are putting in your body to fuel it!!
  • Go135al
    Go135al Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, thank you all so much for the encouragement and ideas! I am truly grateful for this new start and having friends on the journey!
  • Go135al
    Go135al Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Deb! I have two sisters and there's always room for more! Thanks for your response. I look forward to sharing with you and routing for each other! I'm a little tech challenged but will try the friend thing. Thanks so much and good luck to you too!
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