Anybody Else Afraid To Reach Their Goal Weight?

It's the weirdest thing . . . every time I get close to my goal weight, I sabotage myself and gain weight back. It's a mystery to me! I'd love to hear your take on this issue. : )


  • CurvaciousBeautyToBe
    CurvaciousBeautyToBe Posts: 100 Member
    You definitely arent alone. I recently just did this to myself. :(
  • curly1980
    curly1980 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm no where near my goal yet but was very close before I fell pregnant with my youngest. I wasn't upset about gaining weight as I had an excuse, I was terrified of getting to goal and not being able to maintain. I'm scared of putting it all back on again once I finally get there...sad but true.
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Hmmm . . . did you ever figure out why you did that CurvaceousBea?

    Still trying to puzzle this one out.

    Thanks for your input!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Yup, I think that is part of my issue as well. I was within three pounds of my goal and, slowly but surely, I gained back 10 or so pounds putting me 15 lbs away again. Now I have lost five, so I have 10 to go . . . but I do that whole pesky sabotage thing!
    I may never figure this out, but I will keep trying 'till the end! : ) Yes, I am THAT stubborn!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Whoops, that last post was for you Curly1980. You have adorable kids! : )

    Just read your profile and I like how honest you are. To get to where we want to be we have to be completely honest with ourselves. I have lied about how much food I did or didn't eat, too.

    I love this forum . . . so many nice folks . . . nonjudgmental, all wanting to be well. It rocks!

    You said you want to make permanent changes . . . that is great! And you will be showing your children "how to be", too! I still cringe when I think of how I complained about my body and weight around my daughter. Uggh! To be able take that back . . .

    But, anyway, stay on this site as the support will help immeasurably!
    Best of luck!
  • lambchoplewis
    I reached my goal and maintained for 9 months. May-mid August caused a 10 lb gain and now I have to get that weight back off. I did find losing easier than maintaining. I liked to see the drop and I was very disciplined. Maintenance is the steady day by day no change (hopefully) which is not as exciting as a loss. You might be a junkie for the success of weight loss.

    Your plan could work if you don't gain back and not lose it again.
  • CurvaciousBeautyToBe
    My boyfriend told me that he thinks it's because I need structure, and I have to agree. If I am in maitenance there is a lot less structure. The idea of less structure scares me since I am such a regimined person.
  • Shero2013
    Shero2013 Posts: 8 Member
    I have done this before -- sooo guilty! BUT I know my problem. I'm curvy. I like being curvy. When I see those curves start to exit the building, I get scared.... haven't yet found out the best way to tighten without losing them, but I'm working on it!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Hmmm . . . lambchoplewis (great name!),
    You might be right . . . let me mull that over . . .
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Yup . . . structure and routine are vital, aren't they?
    I love the saying:

    Choose . . .
    The Pain of Discipline
    The Pain of Remorse
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Honestly this saddens me. Maintenance isn't the end of anything. If all you focus on is your weight then how are you going to hit fitness goals or work more on body composition. It isn't healthy to have to be in weightloss mode all theI time. When you reach your weightloss goals set a fitness goal, train for a marathon, start a new workout routine. You will still have to have structure and you still have a goal to get to. I have to say I have been maintaining for 2 years and it is by far the best part about losing weight. For me. The best part has been watching my body become stronger and fitter.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I used to do that with milestones. Now I focus on the health part and motivating myself as we'll as others. When I get scared or complacent i allways say I might not motivate anyone by losing but u definitely won't motivate by gaining. I try to make this journey a learning experience.
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I've done this sooo many times- starting to regain weight just as my weight loss started to become "real" (ie noticeable by others). Looking at my pattern it seems so weird- falling off a diet just when the compliments start. I've been doing a bit of self-examination (I have to as I've just lost a noticeable 42lbs, have so much further to go, and truly need this to be a lifestyle change). Part of this probably has to do with my own natural shyness although I'm sure that's not all of it. What I've started doing is reminding myself that untimely this isn't really about losing weight (at least not for me)- it's about getting and being healthy.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Been there. When i lost a bunch of weight and hit goal it all went downhill, cant even remember why!! I worked so hard, now that i set a new goal weight im beginning to write up what i want to do after I reach that number on scale, the body can always improve...Goals should keep going so we dont fall back. Good luck!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    First, congrats on that amazing weight loss!
    And, you're right, it's more than just the number on the scale. And I do change up my routines and set new fitness goals all the time. I actually have done one marathon and 7 half marathons. : )
    I do see the changes in my body and LOVE them!
    But there is still some niggling little negative in my brain that I am still trying to figure out . . .
    Thanks for taking the time to comment. : )
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Love the idea about not motivating anyone else if you gain . . . I do want to be a good role model as well. I will keep at it!
    Congrats on your weight loss!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Great job on the 42 lb. weight loss! And great thoughts about want to get and remain healthy. I want to be around for quite a while, so that's motivating for me, too! : )
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    I totally agree, new goals all the time so we don't become complacent.
    Good luck to you, too! : )
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    I do believe you have hit the nail on the head:
    "no more excuses, no more blame, no more self pity parties but a rebirth into a life of joy, victory and endless possibilities because I am the Author now".
    So well said!
    We all need to believe we are worthy of whatever we dream we can do!
    Great job on your 50 lb. weight loss, too!

    I love being able to correspond with so many positive people . . . and folks who have been where I have. So empowering!
    Best to you all!