challenges in beginning of journey

I am new to myfitnesspal. I am a 37 year old guy who has neglected my health for many years and not really paid attention to it. I am sadly at my highest weight around 515-527 lbs.
I don't have very much support. My only family is two siblings who are also developmentally delayed and do not really understand things in an adult way or what I am trying to do. Both of my parents have passed and my step mom says she supports me but does not really talk to me or do anything to support to say she supports maybe once a year. That is about all the family I got and i don't have very many friends and the ones i do have could care less if I am wanting to be more healthy. I feel like all the people around me (family and friends) want to continue living how they always have in unhealthy ways and don't get me.

I have been struggling with weight issues all my life but it has been especially bad in the last 6-8 years and really took a turn for the worse in the last 3 years. I think the last 3 years have been especially difficult for me and cause me to gain more because I lost both of my parents in a 10 month period and then lost another close family member a year later. With the deaths and the pandemic and working at home mostly alone I kind of checked out and didn't really care what was happening or if I was eating healthy.

My doctor has wanted me to look into bariatric surgery and they want me to get to a goal weight first and be on a 1200 calorie diet per the surgery program.

But I am struggling with it. I feel alone and unsure what i am doing. I feel like i have zero support and no self confidence or desire in what I am doing. I am also blind and do not always cook that much. I can but I have always been more lazy and doing quick stuff, junk, eating out, ordering in because its easier not seeing.

I am unsure on having surgery or having my body modified but i get what the doctor is saying. But my issue is the surgery is not a fix all and does not fix the other reasons for not eating or not exercising. I can't get myself to get on an appropriate diet and eat right, get up and exercise or do anything or lose any weight. So I am not really moving toward that goal weight.

Its to the point where I am having much more severe pains and having a harder time mobility wise and it scares me but i cannot get my self to do anything or lose the weight. I feel alone most of the time and like there is not a whole lot to work toward. Don't feel like i get any support. I joined weight loss support groups on facebook and people said they would be an accountability partner but after the first initial message they sent me I never heard back even after messaging them so i feel frustrated.

I also work customer service telephones so I am sitting all day for my job and really am not allowed to get up and move; am tied to the phone/computer and they try to right you up even if you are taking 45-60 seconds to get a drink between calls. I also feel like my weight situation has definitely gotten worse since taking tis job 8 years ago but I also feel limited in the kinds of jobs i can take due to my visual disability.

I am realizing now this is a rant all over the place and I apologize. I guess I am looking for support, motivation, suggestions or ideas, or help to start making my life and health better. And if anyone would want to talk or be an accountability team i might be open to that too.


  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 853 Member
    Friend request sent

    I'm 40, work Customer Service and was 388 pounds in Feb 2022. I'm now down 139 pounds. You can do this man. Message me if you need anything.
  • TheChunkyPostie
    TheChunkyPostie Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 43, and at my highest I hit 24st 8lbs. I've tried all of the restrictive diets that you can think of, and because of the restrictions, I kept falling off the wagon and the bounce back of weight was unreal. This really got me down.
    I've been using MyFitnessPal for a year now, off and on. I've struggled with my weight since I was about 8 years old. Always been overweight, got bullied most of my life because of it. But a good friend and colleague of mine, told me that he was joining a gym that was opening close to us, and asked if I would join with him. Joining that gym 6 weeks ago is the best thing that I've ever done on my weight loss journey. Its helping my mental health and my general health. Although im still only losing gradually, I'm feeling stronger, and fitter than I have done in a long while. I couldn't have done it without my friends help.

    So with a little bit of support, you can do this, don't look for quick fixes, lose it gradually if you can as the bounce back won't be as bad if you happen to have a bad day, or fall off the wagon.

    Message me if you want some support. There's plenty of us who will help.

    Keep motivated :smile: