Eating Disorder?

I have been questioning this for quite some time. I'm not like anerexic. I just don't eat a lot. But the thing is I don't force myself to not eat a lot. I just know that I will be letting myself down if I do and then I don't. I eat about 800 to 900 calories a day. Burnig about 500 to 600. I know this is bad but I feel like my recommended daily amount of calories (1400) is way too much and I will become fat. I am 5 foot 8.5 and 133 pounds. I just want to feel good and I think that can only happen if I loose weight. I know this kind of behavior is not good or maybe even healthy. But is this an eating disorder or just diet behavior and can I not be soo obsessed with loosing weight and maybe eat more calories because I don't want to. I think that is I eat more than 900 calories a day I will gain weight. Please help.


  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    There are really two questions here. One we are probably not able to answer and that is whether it is an eating disorder for you. The other question that many of us can answer or at least steer you to better sources for information is whether it is an eating pattern that is healthy. It is not. It is an eating pattern that will sooner or later make you sick or even kill you. It does not have enough nutrition in it to keep your heart and your brain safe without close monitoring by a physician and prescription dietary supplements. It is the type of diet used short term with the super obese. It is not recommended for someone with very few pounds to lose.

    So, if you are unwilling to choose a healthy way to eat you may have an eating disorder. If you just do not know that you are hurting yourself and, in fact, preventing yourself from feeling good and healthy, then you have a learning curve ahead of you. So, which is it? Only you can answer that.

    At 5'8.5" and 133 pounds, your BMI is at the low end of healthy so you probably don't need to lose pounds. You need to gain health. The way to gain health is to eat a nutritious diet in healthy portions and exercise. There are lots of folks on here that can help you do that.

    If you cannot bring yourself to contemplate eating more, get yourself to the doctor ASAP before you permanently damage your heart or go into a heart arrhythmia and die.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I think this is the starting to an eating disorder. If you think 1400 calories is a lot, then you will be suprised that it is 1400 calories you are sappose to net. If you work out and burn 300 calories, you will have to eat 1700 calories to net 1400 calories. Right now you are eating 900 calories and burning 600 calories, this only leaves you with a net calories intake of 300 calories which is dangerously low.
    Rememeber your weight has nothing to do on how fat or lean you are. You can be heavy and fat, or you can be heavy and shredded with a sixpack. The key is to eat enough to preserve as much lean body mass as possible while losing weight so that almost everything you lose is fat and not muscle, which will result in a leaner physique. How you're eating right now, most of your weight loss will be from lean body mass which may result in a higher bodyfat percentage.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Either you are misinformed or choosing to live subject to an untruth that you're telling yourself. The answer to whether you have a disorder probably lies somewhere in the distinction between the two.

    The idea that you will gain if you're eating at the recommended amount, which is a deficit, is incorrect. So, you can choose to inform yourself better about what your body needs and how it works, and then adjust your intake accordingly, or you can choose to continue in an unhealthy pattern. Only if you choose the latter (or choose not to seek help if you feel stuck in this behavior) will you be letting yourself down.

    Be healthy. Eat food. Don't beat yourself up. Every day is new.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You may not have a full blown eating disorder at this point...but you are on your way to that and malnutrition. You are not eating nearly enough for an adult person...and your obsession with not gaining weight if you eat at healthier levels is a concern. Please see a counselor. Please. I would hate to know that you are hurting yourself this way when the solution isn't out of reach.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    You are on the cusp of a bull blown eating disorder. You don't eat enough to get adequate nutrition and then you don't eat back exercise calories. Time for a counselor.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Your relationship with food is extremely unhealthy, and should be sounding alarm bells. It is probably time to talk to a professional.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I just want to say you are in the normal size of BMI category so please don't call yourself fat. I am the same exact height as you and I am currently at 235 pounds which is fat. You may not be happy with yourself which I understand but you are not fat.

    Well this is not the reason I am responding but the reason is that you need to get help from a doctor/dietitian. If you think you have an eating disorder you most likely do. It is unhealthy to try to set goal for yourself like that extreme of a calorie goal. I understand how sometimes you want to change the scale so what you will do extreme things but in the end it's not a good thing.

    Stay strong and you can do this in a healthy way in time, talk with a professional and get the help you need. Feel free to message me anytime :)
  • Samthefrog
    Samthefrog Posts: 77 Member
    Please talk to a doctor.... and talk honestly! And keep getting support here from positive people!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Talk to a parent. If you can't do that go to your doctor and discuss this with him/her and get in touch with someone who can help you.