I can not NOT

Hi everyone!
I have been on a roller coaster with my weight since probably 2016. One thing that actually really worked for me as far as getting in shape was HIIT. Unfortunately, my membership got too expensive for me to continue. During that time I had also weened off of a lot of really bad foods and had found things that I could eat that helped me get my weight down. I was on a good track but when I cancelled my membership, everything else kinda went out the window. I have since gained all my weight back plus some. Well, now I've had it and I am starting over where I'm at. I know it will take a great deal of effort and commitment. I'm hoping to do this without expensive requirements. One thing that is a real challenge is meal planning. Especially when my partner is disappointed by healthy menu options. Any suggestions?


  • 2tryharder
    2tryharder Posts: 31 Member
    My husband is the same! The best thing I've found for a compromise is have "normal" meals but tweak them to healthier, like using ground turkey instead of beef or water instead of milk, or substituting some of the meat with mushrooms. It's worked better than introducing all-new healthy meals. Also, I won't make two different meals for us but I will put a different ratio on my plate, small meat/starch and more vegetables. I can relate to the expensive workouts, too! Good luck!