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SEARCH feature for Meals/Recipes

It seems the only way for me to find a particular meal I have saved or recipe I have entered is to scroll..... scrolling..... scrolling... How about a SEARCH feature that stays within the categories?
8 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • SheerVelvet
    SheerVelvet Posts: 14 Member
    This issue still haunts me. Even today as I was logging I had to "scroll thru" PAGES of saved "My FOODS" before finding the one I knew I had long ago entered. Why cannot the "SEARCH" bar be specific to the tab you are searching thru instead of defaulting to the entire database?
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thank you for this feedback. In the meantime, you care sort things my Name to make things easier to locate.

    On the Web
    The sort options are located to the top right of the food list tabs. Click "Default" to change the option to "By name."

    iPhone, iPad and Android apps

    In our most recent version, while following the add food flow, click the bubble on the right (will most likely show Most Recent) to view your sorting options.