Samsung Health Exercise Entries

Does anyone else have major issues with Samsung Health App connecting to your diary and duplicating your exercise sessions? Is there a fix for this?


  • kboh1
    kboh1 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh my gosh, yes! It's been worse the last few days, but they constantly appear, disappear and then duplicate. So frustrating!
  • matt63634
    matt63634 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here. It's not even syncing now.
  • TrixieLixTLC
    TrixieLixTLC Posts: 3 Member
    This has been going on for years now. There are posts dating back over 2 years with MFP staff responding and saying it will be fixed. I've been with MFP for close to 10 years and I'm over paying for a service that doesn't accurately report the most essential and fundamental component that we need. I'm going to cancel and move to something else. We just keep paying more and more and receiving nothing but empty promises in return.
  • alexngbr
    alexngbr Posts: 21 Member
    I fixed this by altering the permissions in samsung health so that third party exercise data cannot be used by samsung health from the mfp app. So now my step count goes from samsung to mfp but nothing goes the other way and nothing is duplicated.
    Hope that helps!
  • jackybeertje
    jackybeertje Posts: 8 Member
    Mine was working good till a few days ago and now doesn't sync my workouts to mfp only my steps.