Starting again looking for friends

Hi! My names Lauren I’m 37 and sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have about 35 lbs to shed. I’m looking for support buddies. I am not doing restrictions because I fail at those. I’m doing clean eating and staying in my calorie goal. I need to build a lifestyle not do a fad diet. I’m also exercising and doing intermittent fasting 16:8.. If you have similar goals please feel free to add me or message me. I’m not sure how this works.


  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi Lauren -It sounds like you are making a good start - You can ease into it - eating more veggies , limiting the junk - I've never done the IF , but if it works for you good . What are you doing for exercise?
  • Skybleupink
    Skybleupink Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with you! I have 35 lbs. to lose and I'm starting today. Feels overwhelming to say I'm *just* on day one. I am using the Mary's Mini McDougall approach in addition to MyFitnessPal to track my food intake and exercise. I also hope to gain lean muscle. I'm 51 and want to be both strong and fit for the long haul! I love to cross-country ski, so I spent an hour on the trails over lunch today. The sun is shining here in northern MN and it feels like winning the lottery to be out there in it! We've got this!
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 437 Member
    Lauren, sounds like a good plan. Starting a maintainable, healthy lifestyle is definitely the way to go!
  • elizabethpikalek
    elizabethpikalek Posts: 14 Member

    I’m starting at 188 and have my goal weight at 160. My real goal is to just go from an obese BMI category to an overweight BMI category right now. Small goals but should be achievable! Everyone in the community keeps saying it’s a marathon not a sprint, so I’ll go with that! It’s harder to lose weight as we get older so maybe if we start now, at 37 (I am the same!), it’ll be easier than at 45 or 50…

    Logging calories was more difficult when I was younger but I’ve been trying for a day and a half and no one at work was complaining about me taking a minute to log a snack or meal so far. Haha

    Good luck to you, to us.
