comfort eating 101

Hi I'm Fiona 40yr old mum of 3 needing to stop being such an emotional eater 😢


  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 456 Member
    i find it kicks in when tired/stressed - usually mid-evening after dinner... try prepping and scheduling a mid-evening snack ~ i used to graze through the day, so this helped as I was moving from unorganized grazing to defined meals and snacks.

    that's the physical part - the emotional part is tougher.... food does not fix non-food things so explore other ways to de-stress emotionally - quick 1 minute emotional bubble bath thinking of a favorite fun thing/moment - to a longer 'occupy' mind jedi trick such as board games or getting out for a walk or good funny movie/tv, early to bed, hot bubbled bath - whatever non-food thing sounds good at the time.