Is this normal

I am not trying to lose or gain. I recently started working out a little over 2 weeks ago. I am struggling to eat back the brunt calories during the day. Some days I'm even struggling to eat maintenance calories w/o workouts included. I sometimes go to sleep, wake up a hour or 2 later hungry so I eat and go back to sleep. I honestly dont have the patience to see how many calories I eat when I wake up so idk but it seems like I have lost some weight. Is this normal?


  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    I think you need to figure out if you are actually losing weight or not. You say it "seems" like you are, but obviously you are not weighing yourself to find out for sure.

    If you are indeed unintentionally losing weight, then you do need to consume more calories. If you are truly not hungry, consider calorie-dense, low-volume food and drinks, such as protein shakes or nut butters. Use full-fat dairy products, add butter or olive oil when you are cooking. The calories can start to add up without adding a lot of bulk to your meals.
  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    Youve got a bunch of threads going - in another one you say you gained 4 lbs, in a week and in two others you are sharing recipes for desserts and shakes that are supplemented with protein powder and start with a base of two servings of ice cream or yogurt and add to that cereal and other stuff. I am confused as to your strategy as well as the results you are seeing/hoping for. Slight gains or losses when you are just starting out with a new exercise or eating plan are not unusual due to water weight shifts, but if you were eating healthy food and thought you were eating at maintenance then I would say pay attention if you keep losing or gaining unintentionally and adjust accordingly. I am not sure that you are eating healthy food at maintenance though. Are you logging and measuring everything with a digital scale etc. From your post on this thread it sounds like you might not even be weighing yourself, much less your food, while your other posts suggest you are paying attentiton to calories and are gaining weight. It is all a bit confusing .
    It sounds like you might also be over exercising if you are so lethargic that you can barely eat and just sleep all day after workouts, But then on the other thread you said you wolfed down the yummy protein pudding and were late to your workout, so not sure whether you are tired from something else, tired from a big meal or crashing from a sugar high or what is up.
    What are you eating beyond the shakes and puddings? Are you eating any real meals too that aren’t sugary? How much are you exercising? Are you getting decent sleep at night?
    What are you looking for help with - people are really helpful here and will try to help you if you are up front with your questions. And its all anonymous on the internet so no one knows or cares who you are if that helps with any anxiety.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    edited January 2023
    Yeah, I agree that the threads are contradictory and confusing. Your FOOD diary isn't available for us to view, so we can't really be of much help.

    Good luck. Pick a goal, log your food. In 4-6 weeks adjust if you aren't getting the results you want.

    That's what ALL of us have to do. It's an experiment only you can run.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I think what you need to do is monitor your weight consistently for about a month and see what the trend is. In another thread you were gaining weight...and this one you are losing weight. My guess is that you're seeing normal bodyweight fluctuations. If as a trend over the coming weeks it looks like you're losing weight you need to bump your calories up...and if it looks like you're gaining weight you need to drop them a little.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 1,826 Member
    If you’re struggling to get in the calories that the app says then the amounts are most likely incorrect and are too high. Don’t force feed to maintain weight. In a month if you’ve gained then you need to lower your target Maintenance calories on the app.
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    I wonder about how lethargic you're feeling. I found for me that scrambling two eggs (70 calories each) that I'd sprinkle cheddar cheese on for flavor (about 1 ounce) helped me maintain my energy levels, before or after a one hour Zumba dance aerobics class. I think that helped level out my appetite and I was ready for the next meal with no issues. Good luck!