Hello 👋

I am new to Myfitnesspal. I love how easy it is to log my food. I am really working on intuitive eating with my portion sizes and meeting my water intake daily. I am looking for others who will help me to keep motivated to exercise regularly. I have high blood pressure that I'm working get under control and strengthen my heart at the same time as I have very prominent palpitations. I am looking for recipes and smoothie ideas 💡 and would even like to make a friend or two. I am excited about this journey I'm on and curious what other people are doing to be successful on theirs. 😊


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,603 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    Yes, it is easy to log. The database is huge. Do pay attention to which selections you choose, because being as big as it is, there's for sure some errors in there. Do some of the hard work finding the right entries the first time, and then they'll show up in your recent foods next time so it will be even easier!

    Diet and exercise are a great way to improve blood pressure. It's good you're focused on that.

    One thing to remember to be successful is to be kind to yourself. If you stumble and have a bad day, don't give up. Just get back doing what you know you need to do right away. Don't even wait for tomorrow! Don't go too fast. It took a long time to get here, and it will take a while to get back where you want. Go slow to go fast.

    I don't know that I'll ever be able to eat "intuitively." I suggest you buy a food scale to help you track what you're eating and so you can log accurately. Log everything even if it's something you wish you didn't eat. Your body knows you ate it; might as well be honest.