Mph or kph

cariad71 Posts: 8 Member
edited January 2023 in Fitness and Exercise
I’ve got a Roger Black treadmill and I can’t find the instructions. I walked uphill (8%) for 20 mins (briskly) and it said distance= 1. Would that be a mile? Also, the calories say 23.3 is that 233 cals? I know that you have to factor in weight/ height of person exercising but I’m after a rough guide. Thanks


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Since it's a treadmill, miles are a bit of a theory, but 1 mile per 20 minutes would be moderately brisk (3mph, 4.8kph), while 1 kilometer per 20 minutes would be quite slow (3kph, 1.9mph). How brisk did it feel (not how intense - the grade affects that).

    233 calories for 20 minutes of walking is a pretty high number, but I don't know what height/weight you are, and that's significant.

    If you can pin down the basics, this calculator may help you estimate:

    Set the Energy box to "net" if you're manually logging those calories into MFP.
  • cariad71
    cariad71 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! It felt pretty brisk. What does grade mean on the calculator. I’m 140 pounds and 5, 5 height
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    I assume grade in that estimator is % grade, since that's what's usual for roads/trails, but I'm not sure. (I use that site to estimate outdoor walks, and just assume no grade - most places I walk are only gradually rolling, not truly hilly, so close enough for my purposes. I don't treadmill, so I don't know how to translate it (assuming % grade is what they mean by grade) - but there are online calculators for grade, such as this one I picked at random from a search:

    (Rise and run are respectively the height differential from low to high end, and run is the horizontal distance between low end to high end, IMU.)

    I'm not far from your size - 134 pounds this morning, at 5'5" - and FWIW 233 calories in 20 minutes would be quite an intense level of effort for me, one I wouldn't reach normal outdoor walking (with my assumption of zero grade, plus my top practical speed of around 4.1mph - which would be 87 calories for 20 minutes). I don't normally even reach 233 calories per 20 minutes in pretty intense machine rowing or stationary biking, which is pretty accurately power metered for the machines I use, and I'm a longtime exerciser in those modes, so moderately fit, for comparison purposes - but different exercises tax the body in different ways, and incline is meaningful.

    I think the site I linked for walking calories is more likely to lowball than overestimate, but it should be somewhat in the ballpark.
  • G8rRay
    G8rRay Posts: 89 Member
    I've been using an Horizon T102 treadmill set: 5% grade, 3.7 mph for 30 minutes; and, my Garmin FR935 indicates ~200 Calories (kcal) burned, 1.75 miles. The treadmill display indicates ~230 C burned, 1.85 miles. That pace is nearly as fast as I can maintain for 30'00"; so, I consider that very brisk walking. But, I'm 78 y.o. w/arthritic right hip joint.