Tips for type 2 diabetic trying to bodybuild

Hello all,
I'm a type 2 diabetic in my 30's that wants to give bodybuilding a try. I've read that building muscle helps regulate blood glucose levels. I'm 6'4" and currently 346 pounds. I have done powerlifting some years back but stopped when I got into a car accident and hurt my knee. If there is anyone that has any tips or advice I would greatly appreciate it.


  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    edited January 2023
    Not likely the answer your looking for, but some things you may want to do first. BMI can be suggestive but right now your above a 40% BMI. Not saying drop by half but even going down to 280 would still leave you in a 30s BMI. With the issue with your knee more weight by lifting will likely not help that and as you get older it will be even worse. You should look at dropping maybe some weight(go in steps 25, then 50 and see how things feel then). You will benefit and may require less meds for the diabetes and could possibly reverse things. The knee will likely benefit from less weight as well. Your young so use that to your advantage. I wish I would have done it sooner but I decided at 49 time to stop letting it go. My old injuries are still there, but being much lighter let things be more manageable. I was always in a pre-diabetic realm and it would have likely gotten to me so even though I waited I was lucky. This is a suggestion. Find what works for you and think about talking to a professional.