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Selective Exercise Calories

adriancogger Posts: 1 Member
I would like to see a feature that lets you decide on an exercise-by-exercise basis whether to add calories or not and also what the additional macros should be. For example, I am trying to lose fat by creating a calorie deficit. However my exercise consists of hard Zwift sessions and bike rides at the weekend as well as moderately-paced walks 3-4 times a week. My dietician has said I should fuel my Zwift and bike sessions with extra carbs but there is no need to add more protein and fat to my daily intake. There is no need to add any calories for my walks. I have fudged it by now by setting ‘add exercise calories’ to ‘on’ and adding 100% carbs; however, there two issues: I do not necessarily need to fuel those rides 100% i.e. if I burn 500kcal on a zwift session I should add maybe 1-2 thirds of that as carbohydrate taken before the session not the full 500kcal. Also, if a take a walk I like to record it as exercise in apple health as well as in MFP, but want the option of NOT adding calories. At the moment I delete the wall from MFP. I would prefer to see the additional deficit. It would great if, having logged an exercise you could then click on it and (i) say yes or no to adding exercise calories, (ii) if yes say what number or percentage of calories burned to add; and (iii) of that amount what the balance of macros should be. It’s essentially a new nuances version of the exercise calories function but would mean that you could fuel all exercise properly and still track calories to lose fat.
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