20 lbs to lose - Looking for friends!



  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Hello! Im 23, no kids, 8 cats (3 dogs, 1 horse, and 41 chickens), and im trying to lose about 8% bodyfat :)
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Hey, we're twins! I'm also 20 lbs away from my goal...add me if you'd like! :)
  • ChublessBunny
    ChublessBunny Posts: 10 Member
    In the same boat here -- wanting to drop 20 by New Years! I am 38, a mother of a nine year old. Feel free to add me -- I'm just starting to reach out after a year of not really making the pounds shed -- trying to stay accountable as well.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'd like to lose the 15-20 I lost earlier this year and gained back. I am 33 and have 2 boys (dogs) :)
  • sarahmax0817
    Click on their username under their picture. It should be in blue. This will take you to their profile and hit "Add as Friend" and you can even include a message to them!
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    I'm with ya ....... maybe want to lose a little over 20 lbs but I'll see once I get there. I'm really feeling the need to build a good support network and keep giving myself a reason to log on here!
  • ssm_1972
    ssm_1972 Posts: 396 Member
    Any one, feel free to add me if he/she want for mutual support & motivation on MFP. :smile:
    You and i seem to have near enough the same goal to achieve. I will motivate and support you all i can everyday.
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