Getting ready for a wedding diet ideas

My name is kadyn I’m getting married in a year and honestly am afraid that I will hate how a look. What has worked for other bride diet rushers


  • EuphieA
    EuphieA Posts: 1 Member
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,504 Member

    You posted your question in an area where people are working to maintain their current weight, often after losing some or a lot.

    You might consider posting your question in the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" section for a better chance of suggestions.

    The best advice is DO NOT RUSH IT. Figure out a reasonable weight loss rate, use MFP to figure out a daily calorie target, and strive to end each day pretty close to that target with an even greater effort to make sure you hit that target on an average basis each week.

    Consider this:

    What is a good rate of loss for me?

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,050 Member
    Echoing what mtaratoot said, and adding this:

    Losing weight too fast can lead to things like hair thinning, brittle/broken nails, a sallow or haggard look, fatigue and listless affect, more than minimal loose skin (no one ever seems to consider the facial part of that!), and in rare cases bad health consequences. I'm betting you'd like to arrive at your wedding in glowing good health, vivacious, energetic.

    On top of that, your wedding planning and preparation phase will be quite stressful in itself, in all likelihood. Adding a stressful extreme diet on top of that is not an ideal plan. In the best case, the weight loss will fail, and you'll stay around current weight. In the worst case - which I would emphatically not hope for you! - your health or emotional well-being could be affected.

    As the post above suggests, and as myself someone who's done both a "getting married" and a weight loss (at separate times in my case, thankfully), I'd endorse that sensibly moderate, sustainable calorie deficit for gradual weight loss. On top of that, for best appearance at wedding time, and only if you have time for it, add some strength training (that's how "toning" happens!) and some regular non-stressful cardio (romantic walks with that partner-to-be, maybe?). The results by wedding time will be really great, on that path.

    Wishing you much future happiness!
  • momlongerwalk
    momlongerwalk Posts: 34 Member
    What AnnPT says. It's not rocket science, it's not exciting,
    but its it's all about consistency. Like brushing teeth, putting lotion on.
    Some general ideas, though: ease up on junk and fast food, eat enough lean protein. Try to avoid being ravenous as it will harm your ability to make .considered choices. Happy life to you!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 10,041 Member
    What all the others said. Also one thing to consider: Why do you want to look great for one day? Your soon to be husband chose you for lots of different qualities I'm sure. Getting healthier and fitter certainly is a good goal though. Continental European perspective that might not fly in some countries.
  • nay0m3
    nay0m3 Posts: 177 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting~ Really get wanting to look your best! A year is a good chunk of time for you to make some steady changes--like others say, I wouldn't rush anything!

    What are you current stats and where do you want to be? Also, what do you do currently for healthy habits, nutrition and exercise?