Getting back on track

So last year in January I found myself at my heaviest at 222 pounds. I started working out daily and eating Keto and Intermittent fasting. I lost 35 lbs and got down to 187. I have started gaining alittle weight back and I'm at 195 now. I really still have 30 more pounds to lose to get to my weight lost goal. I want to get down to 165. Attached is my before and after pic to keep me motivated. Best of luck to everyone on your journeys. 4pqugulab89v.jpg


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Hello, and welcome: Congratulations on your great progress! I started in the 180s myself, now maintaining after weight loss.

    What's your plan for this phase: Going on with similar workouts, keto and IF, or trying something new this time? Any lessons from that slight regain that are shaping your next steps? I'm sure others could benefit from your insights, too.

    No matter what route you choose, I'm cheering for your success!