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Hide Option to Send Message Where Message Won't Be Sent

In my understanding, regular MFP users can only send messages to people they're already friends with, or to people who are MFP staff or similar.

In web MFP, the "Send Message" button appears on profiles of people who aren't friends, but who have not totally locked down their profiles. I think it appears in other places related to friend requests, but I'm not sure of all the places.

If this button is showing up in places where a message can't be sent, or will look like they'll be sent but aren't, it would be a nice piece of clean-up to hide the button when it won't work. It would save some miscommunications, hurt feelings, etc., that I've seen expressed in the Community.

I honestly don't know how hard it is (even as a former IT-er, since it depends on the app architecture) . . . but at my job we kept lists of minor improvements we could make when we had to go in to touch some page, program or piece of code for some more important reason. If you-all do that, this would be a candidate to note. If y'all don't do that . . . well, it can lead to a cleaner application over time without much extra effort, IMO.
7 votes

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