Why are macro %'s different from app to website?

Just wondering why my macro percentages are different from the app on my phone (where I add everything) and the website when I just look at it randomly. For example today, on my phone my macros show c/f/p 36%/27%/37% but on the website my macros show c/f/p 41%/26%/33%. I wouldn't ask if it was just a digit - but 36 to 41 is a bit of a range when it comes to macros, and 33-37 the same. Just wondering which one is correct. And if it's a rounding thing and the app and the website are rounding differently, why not change one so they round the same? Little frustrating.


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    So our team can take a closer look, would you mind writing into our Support Team directly? Please visit: https://myfitnesspal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or send us an email to support@myfitnesspal.com. Thanks!
  • FranCarr
    FranCarr Posts: 1 Member
    Any news on this? very frustrating when your body building and every gram counts! which one is correct?