Not losing weight doctor lowered calories and done tests



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Actually I believe you. You must have some type of metabolism issue for this to occur. I am glad you are working with your Dr. I really don't see any bullying though and I think people are just trying to help you. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest through the trees. Best to you.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,731 Member
    equidivine wrote: »
    I suggest you stop calling me denial as your the exact type of bullying I was referring too.

    I’m not denying nothing I’m literally telling everyone how I don’t eat that’s not denial that’s actually being honest. Is it an eating disorder probably but when I can’t shift the weight what am I supposed to do.

    It’s possible for bodies to survive on bare minimum with certain genetics or health issues. Pcos. Hashimoto. Cortisol levels. Crones disease. Are all possible causes so telling someone they are lying is rather disgusting behaviour

    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but as a previous poster said, you are most likely looking at your "good" days and ignoring your binge days. At the end of the day, I don't care nor have any investment in whether you lose weight. If you want to stay in denial, that's ok. But you asked for help, so we tried to give it.

    So stay at the weight you're at. Nobody else is really going to care except yourself. That's not bullying, it's reality. Be unhappy. Stay overweight. Stay in denial. It's your life.
  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    I will say this again and I cannot stress how annoying it is no one is listing.

    I scan everything I use. I weigh it and I add it as I eat. There is no way it can be wrong.
    I refuse to eat out. Iv stopped alcohol. I don’t smoke.

    I literally weigh it pre cooked and add. I also don’t eat in day very are I will eat unless a packet of pork scratching. Fridge raiders. No calorie jelly pot.

    I log everything as my adhd and autism wouldn’t allow me to not log properly as it would annoy me. I hyper focus and will research everything to its end!

    When I’m down farm we don’t have access to food unless I take with me so would be something like pork scratchings. Pack of pre sliced ham.

    I cannot get it wrong.

    We are nhs in uk and therefor tests are vague. My cortisol levels are being re tested in 2 weeks.

    My family all have same issues and suffer either crones. Hashimoto. Thyroid issues. Hence I’m being tested now. Although one side of my family is skinny the other is overweight. I gain muscle easily. The only thing iv noticed on my keto is my protein intake is high where I need to eat more fat apparently. I don’t eat any sugar or carbs.

    I pre make and weight everything they are all pre weigh and organised for week

    The most likely cause of no weight loss under your situation, as presented, is inaccurate logging. It doesn't have to mean overt deception on your part. Pointing this out, even in very frank terms, is not bullying. There are lots of posts on MFP, almost daily, asserting similar circumstances. If you hear hoofbeats, think horses (for most people this is resolvable by closer attention and detail to logging), not zebras (highly atypical medical situation).

    If you are truly logging absolutely everything you eat by weight (not container claims as even "standard" weights can vary, sometimes quite a lot) using accurate database entries, and you are under the degree of medical care you say in your initial post, there is something going on that IMO this forum cannot help you with, and you should address it with your medical care providers. I tried to look at your diary to see if I could find an example, but for some reason I couldn't access it - I don't know if the problem is on my end or yours.

    Many of us who have lost weight or in the process of losing weight have had to confront our own denial. Suggesting this as a possibility is not intended as an insult but a reflection of reality for most of us, and once we handled it, we started seeing the results we wanted. If the suggestions we make truly don't apply, you can disregard them without feeling insulted. We only know what you tell us.

  • equidivine
    equidivine Posts: 101 Member
    Your can’t say all those things and not realise what your saying could literaly push someone over the edge. Imagine your speaking to someone with sever mental health who might literally take your words and kill themself.

    You literally just stated I’m in denial yet again. I’m not happy with my weight hence I’m doing this. It’s literally killing me and your words for wisdom is that?

    I suggest you don’t comment on peoples posts cos your clearly someone who likes to push ppl into your way of thinking. Ever considered your wrong?

    I’m here to see if anyone has ever had similar because the doctors are at a loss.

    I’m not here for people to insult me and call me stupid or a liar.
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    equidivine wrote: »
    I suggest you stop calling me denial as your the exact type of bullying I was referring too.

    I’m not denying nothing I’m literally telling everyone how I don’t eat that’s not denial that’s actually being honest. Is it an eating disorder probably but when I can’t shift the weight what am I supposed to do.

    It’s possible for bodies to survive on bare minimum with certain genetics or health issues. Pcos. Hashimoto. Cortisol levels. Crones disease. Are all possible causes so telling someone they are lying is rather disgusting behaviour

    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but as a previous poster said, you are most likely looking at your "good" days and ignoring your binge days. At the end of the day, I don't care nor have any investment in whether you lose weight. If you want to stay in denial, that's ok. But you asked for help, so we tried to give it.

    So stay at the weight you're at. Nobody else is really going to care except yourself. That's not bullying, it's reality. Be unhappy. Stay overweight. Stay in denial. It's your life.

  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,542 Member
    equidivine wrote: »
    Your can’t say all those things and not realise what your saying could literaly push someone over the edge. Imagine your speaking to someone with sever mental health who might literally take your words and kill themself.

    You literally just stated I’m in denial yet again. I’m not happy with my weight hence I’m doing this. It’s literally killing me and your words for wisdom is that?

    I suggest you don’t comment on peoples posts cos your clearly someone who likes to push ppl into your way of thinking. Ever considered your wrong?

    I’m here to see if anyone has ever had similar because the doctors are at a loss.

    I’m not here for people to insult me and call me stupid or a liar.
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    equidivine wrote: »
    I suggest you stop calling me denial as your the exact type of bullying I was referring too.

    I’m not denying nothing I’m literally telling everyone how I don’t eat that’s not denial that’s actually being honest. Is it an eating disorder probably but when I can’t shift the weight what am I supposed to do.

    It’s possible for bodies to survive on bare minimum with certain genetics or health issues. Pcos. Hashimoto. Cortisol levels. Crones disease. Are all possible causes so telling someone they are lying is rather disgusting behaviour

    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but as a previous poster said, you are most likely looking at your "good" days and ignoring your binge days. At the end of the day, I don't care nor have any investment in whether you lose weight. If you want to stay in denial, that's ok. But you asked for help, so we tried to give it.

    So stay at the weight you're at. Nobody else is really going to care except yourself. That's not bullying, it's reality. Be unhappy. Stay overweight. Stay in denial. It's your life.
    I think you need to ask to see a second doctor - you can do that even with the NHS. Firstly, telling you to reduce calories further and go keto is not necessary great advice (GPs are great but they aren’t trained particularly well in nutrition in the UK). Secondly, I haven’t looked at your food diary but just looking at what you’ve listed, if you eat like that for a long time you could end up deficient in certain key nutrients, which won’t help you. It’s why the guidelines suggest 1,200 calories - that’s roughly the amount calculated to enable you to get the vitamins, nutrients and trace minerals an average woman needs.

    There are some people who are outliers in terms of calorie requirements, but I think you need to speak to a specialist. Are you seeing an endocrinologist? Have you asked to be referred to a dietitian? I would personally go down those routes - yes, you will have a wait on the NHS but those people are specialists and worth seeing. They will honestly be able to help you better than us random internet strangers. Good luck!
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,105 Member
    OP what exactly is it that you want to hear?
  • Rockmama1111
    Rockmama1111 Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 2023
    OP, I’m surprised your doctor would recommend keto and/or eating 600-1000 calories per day. Even if your tests all show nothing, it’s unusual that he/she recommended an aggressive very-low-calorie diet and when that’s rare even with strict medical supervision. And keto… I thought most doctors don’t really go for that? (Low-ish carb, yes. But under 15?) Can you get another opinion?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,137 Member
    The problem is, what your describing with maintaining weight in the 600 to 1000 calorie range and you even said you were gaining weight, is physiologically impossible, yes, it really really is. I suspect your Doctor doesn't believe you either otherwise he wouldn't have told you to reduce your calories further. The only logical conclusion is your eating at maintenance calories or above and maintenance calories for children for example is around 1500 and up. Not sure what you expected to hear.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,105 Member
    OP, I’m surprised your doctor would recommend keto and/or eating 600-1000 calories per day. Even if your tests all show nothing, it’s unusual that he/she recommended an aggressive very-low-calorie diet and when that’s rare even with strict medical supervision. And keto… I thought most doctors don’t really go for that? (Low-ish carb, yes. But under 15?) Can you get another opinion?
    Most doctors are clueless on diet.

  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    equidivine wrote: »

    My family all have same issues and suffer either crones. Hashimoto. Thyroid issues. Hence I’m being tested now. Although one side of my family is skinny the other is overweight. I gain muscle easily. The only thing iv noticed on my keto is my protein intake is high where I need to eat more fat apparently. I don’t eat any sugar or carbs.

    The impression I got from your initial post was that testing on these issues had already been completed and everything was within normal ranges. The impression I get from this is you're still being tested and waiting on results. If it's the latter, then your test results might give you some insight moving forward.

    If the situation is really so particular and individual, you might not be able to get the help that you are seeking here - not because we don't want to help you, but because we can't. I can only say, as I said before and as others have said earlier, in MOST circumstances, for MOST people, there is a very obvious answer. If that answer does not apply to you, then feel free to disregard.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, for instance, on Friday you logged cauliflower rice and chopped broccoli. Did you eat them plain with no oil, butter, or sauce?
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited January 2023
    OP, you've repeatedly accused people of bullying. Please don't throw around that serious accusation so casually. Nobody is bullying you. Everyone wants to help. As someone said, we see threads like this almost daily and it's always, always, a case of someone not being in the deficit they believe they are, for various reasons typically inaccurate and/or incomplete logging, and over-estimating exercise calories.

    You'll have to forgive us being skeptical about your claim that you are the first person in the history of the world to be able to, in your own words, "I SURVIVE OFF FRESH AIR". I suspect your doctor is skeptical too.

    Coincidentally, this seems similar to the plot of a recent Netflix movie with Florence Pugh, "The Wonder".

    I looked at your diary. I couldn't see anything in your profile on my Android app, but it's there on the computer. On Monday 23rd you only have an entry for dinner, 728 cals total. Tuesday 24th, just dinner plus a small lunch snack, 753 cals total. Wednesday 24th, only dinner again, 497 cals total. Thursday 26th, only dinner again, 539 cals total. Is this really accurate, four days in a row of OMAD plus one small lunch snack one time? That's an average of 629 cals per day over four days logged.

    You gave the names of some potential diseases. Maybe so, but what do you want us here to do about that? I'm sure people will offer sympathy and similar experience stories if you are diagnosed with something specific. Until then, what do you want to hear? Do you not understand why people are skeptical, when someone comes in here claiming they survive on air?

    You say you gain muscle easily, but the only exercise you have logged is a grand total of 31 additional calories over the entire last week. I'm not going to advise someone with a specific health condition who is apparently consuming a dangerously low amount of calories to exercise more, but I will say that generally exercise and muscle gain will help with fat loss.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    OP, I definitely hear your frustration! It is very, very common to have logging mistakes. I have been logging calories daily 10 years (sometimes even on vacation but sometimes not on vacation, 1-2 vacations per year) and maintaining my weight almost 40 years. I use the same database entries over and over for the stuff I eat regularly, and I STILL catch myself making logging mistakes. It happens. It’s not personal. No one is accusing you of intentionally lying. It takes a little practice and like PAV said it’s tedious finding correct entries for items but it gets quicker and more accurate as you stick with it.

    Also relating to PAV’s note about scale weight variation due to glycogen-water stores, are you using a weight trend app like “happy scale”? Lots of us drive ourselves crazy over scale weight fluctuations which, by the way, are totally healthy and normal. It takes several weeks of weighing every day (undressed in the morning) to see a trend.
  • sbelletti
    sbelletti Posts: 213 Member
    OP, we ARE trying to help. I asked some questions to try to get additional information so we can make some suggestions. Can you please answer each one so we have more information?

    Are you eating whole foods (meat and produce aisle) vs processed foods (boxes, tins and cans)?

    Do you eat mostly homemade vs restaurant or prepackaged food?

    Weighing every single thing you eat (including added oil, butter, etc?

    What data sources are you getting calorie counts from (food label, MFP database?

    Are you exercising? What type and how much? Do you account for the calories expended?

    How long have you been eating at your current deficit?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    equidivine wrote: »

    I scan everything I use.

    I think it's already been pointed out, but I'll underscore it: For best accuracy, don't use the scanner and assume it's accurate.

    The scanner is not a direct pipeline to the food's manufacturer.

    The scanner just brings up a database entry that some regular MFP user typed in and linked to the barcode. Some MFP users enter foods meticulously, correct in every detail . . . and some are sloppy. Plus foods (same brand) can differ in different countries, or at different times (i.e., product can be reformulated).

    When you use the scanner, check the entry that comes up against the label on the product. If you do that, and it matches, you can trust it (as much as any label, since they can vary in accuracy).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    I agree with those who say that your best route is to seek out a different doctor's opinion, and seek referrals to specialists. We really don't have the expertise to help with very rare conditions.

    Therefore, the link I'm about to offer may not apply to you at all - I'm reaching, when I think about what could be causing what you're experiencing. With that caution, this is a possibility to consider, when not losing as expected on ultra-low calories.

    I'm not diagnosing you. I'm not criticizing or accusing you of anything. I'm trying to help. The link is about something unusual, but it's a thing that can happen. If and when it does happen, it's very discouraging and difficult for the person for whom it is an accurate diagnosis. You may not be that person. I know you've been tested for cortisol levels, and found that to be within a normal range. Therefore, this may not apply. But I suspect different people could have different degrees of sensitivity to a given cortisol level. The differences described in this article are surprisingly small, to me.

    I hope you can find a solution. I can barely imagine how frustrated you must feel.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    In the 10 years I've been on the MFP forums I've read hundreds if not thousands of "not losing weight" threads. Only one of those threads stumped me. I referred her back to her doctor. The rest fell into one or more of the first three categories on this flowchart.

    We can help with logging issues, etc. But if you have a medical issue, see another doctor or assertively and relentlessly advocate your doctor refer you to a specialist. (I'm in the US and have healthcare through the VA, which sometimes sounds like the NHS. It's ridiculous how proactive with my healthcare I have to be, but if I want good outcomes, that's what I need to do.)
