Vegetarian Looking For Ideas

I started losing control of my weight when I became a vegetarian in 2020.

If you are also a vegetarian or vegan (pescatarian even), I would love to stalk your food diaries for ideas!


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Ok, why do you think that has happened.
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 841 Member
    Feel free to stalk mine! I'm a vegan who just started up again with MFP after some time off, so the diary is a little bare at the moment, but I have tons of different recipes on here. If you see any in the diary that you'd like to try, just message me and I'll send you the recipes ^_^ Good luck!
  • Ghostofachance
    Ghostofachance Posts: 305 Member
    Vegan here. I don't always log every meal, but you're welcome to add me and find ideas in my diary
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    I'm kind of a sub-par MFP friend (more of a Community forum gal), and I'm in maintenance (not losing now, other than a tiny plan to drop a few holiday pounds that would be invisible from looking at my diary). However, I do accept friend requests, have my diary open to MFP friends, and will answer questions via PM or on my profile about what I eat, why, how I cook it, whatever.

    Context: I'm ovo-lacto vegetarian (for 48+ years now), thin to fat to obese and back to thin, now in year 7 of maintaining a healthy weight (female, 5'5", age 67, right now 132 pounds with the holiday extra in the picture), reasonably active, eating back exercise calories.

    My base calories are set at 1850, exercise adds 200-300 calories most days (in Winter, like now). I target 100g protein minimum, 50g fat minimum, usually exceed those (which is fine with me); eat crazy amounts of veg/fruit (shoot for 800g daily); don't care where carbs end up.

    I log most days - was super conscientious during weight loss and the first months of maintenance, but skip it sometimes now. I eat mostly less-processed foods, but am not religious about that, and do eat some treat foods as long as my nutrition's dialed in on average.

    If you want to see my diary given the context, send me a friend request.

    Either way, I'm wishing you success with your goals!
  • sbelletti
    sbelletti Posts: 213 Member
    Ok, why do you think that has happened.

    If OP is anything like me, I gained a lot of weight when I exchanged meat for things like rice, bread, pasta, cheese, etc. Ice cream, cookies, and alchohol are vegetarian too. Vegetarian doesn't necessarily mean lower calories or healthier!

    OP, my diary isn't open but I can tell you I've lost 43lbs and at goal now by eating mostly vegetables and beans. Very little rice, bread and pasta. Almost no alcohol and very few sweets except the occasional indulgence.

    My go-tos are Afia frozen falafel that I eat several times a week in wraps and salads (the turmeric flavor is by far the best). Morningstar corn dogs are awesome. Black bean burgers (with or without a bun.) 3-bean chili. Hummus in every flavor imaginable. Homemade minestrone soup is great for stocking a week of meals. Instant oatmeal with fruit. String cheese, apples, cucumbers and carrots for snacking. Frozen grapes are amazing in the summer. Veggie lasagna is awesome and I'll freeze a lot of it, but it's heavy on the cheese and not super low-cal. I try to avoid canned veggies and use frozen instead.
  • caitlynzmom
    caitlynzmom Posts: 1 Member
    I’m pescatarian. I have just started MFP (again). Feel free to follow me as I also do just vegetarian meals as well.