learn from my mistakesnger members!

Heading wrong i wanted to say younger members!!
Age does bring a limited amount of benefits! Well one anyway and that's experience and possibly some acceptance! I wish when I was in my late teens, twenties, possibly thirties someone had taken me aside and explained eating in a healthy sustainable way.
I would have known then : I didn't have to punish myself with starvation; that if I wanted to lose weight I would be better following the slow manageable route rather than extreme calorie restriction and extreme exercise! I really did believe at that time (as I'm sure you do) that I could quickly sort the offending FAT and then all would be well and of course I would eat sensibly from that day forward. REALITY CHECK it just doesn't work like that! We develop eating disorders, lack self confidence think we are unworthy because we're not slim and beautiful like the magazines adverts tell us we should be.
If I could pass something on, particularly to the younger desperate to get there slimmers: PLEASE understand that a quick fix just isn't sustainable; look at is a way of life; find an eating plan that suits your metabolism and lifestyle, we are all different. For me filling up with fruit and veg did nothing, I need real fat, yes it's okay to eat healthy natural fat! Look a year ahead, do you really think that punishing regime is sustainable, I doubt it, where as a decent amount of calories ( I'm talking over 1500) and a manageable exercise plan will lead to a much stronger, confident, permanent weight reduction bringing you to your optimal weight. Unfortunately we're not all fine boned beautifully proportioned people but we can make the most of what we have.