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What can I eat calculator

Some people just starting out tracking calories and macros might not know what they can fit in their day for nutrition. So if the app had a calculator that would take their remaining calories carbs fats and proteins and then list out ideas that would say fit someone’s dinner or simply last meal of the day. Some people that are new to tracking macros might find it hard to see they have 300 calories left 36g carbs 16g fat and 22g protein left to eat and then get frustrated trying to scan foods or type them in to see if they can fit a particular food or recipe. When the calculator will simply run the numbers and give you meal ideas that will be close to your remaining intakes for the day could be over could be under but this would be to get you close! This would take out a lot of time and effort for some people that may get frustrated. And we all know the best diet to do is one you can stick to and this calculator suggestion meal finder might make it easier for people to stick to a diet.
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  • milesmacf
    milesmacf Posts: 7 Member
    Thought about this too - would be super handy.

    Recommend foods (and quantities) that meet given criteria: X calories, X grams of a macronutrient, within a given range of whatever variable...