Quick Intro

Hi, I'm new to MyFitnessPal, have being using it 5 days and I'm sure I'll continue for many years. I'm here to learn more about health, fitness and diet from other members on this site. My targets are to get fit, quit cigarettes, drastically reduce alcohol, reduce body fat and hopefully live longer.:happy:

Add me as a friend if you share similar goals or can help motivate me, especially smoking and alcohol. I think the mobile app is brilliant and it is keeping me motivated.:smile:

I'm a 38 yr old father of 4, have lived a hedonistic lifestyle from 18 yrs old with little regard for my own body. Gradually improved over last 2 years since taking up cycling to work but have used it as an excuse to continue abusing my body rather than improving. I'm a big guy, 6ft 6in and with daily cycles and dog walks I have been expending and extra 1000kcal/day and consuming around 3500 kcal/day without much thought about nutrition, will happily take 1000 kcal/day in strong alcohol and smoke 20 cigs as well :angry: . I have kept a steady 95-97kg over the last 2 years and have been cycling 10+ miles per day and going to the gym 2-3 times per week.

But now I'm stepping up a gear, cleaning my life up completely and I have set some ambitious aims:

Drop my body fat from 25% to 5% - approx 77.7kg
Increase my muscle and strength
Stay off cigs forever
Reduce alcohol to monthly occasions only

My current daily nutrition and exercise goals are: (set using IIFYM based on BMR 2020 and TDEE 2900)
213g Protein
85g Fat
43-53g Fibre
1,000 Kcal of exercise daily
Weight training 2-3 times per week
Aiming to lose 1kg per week

As I am new to all this, any advice welcome to help me set my goals and stick to them. Add me as a friend if you can help, share advice or have similar goals. Anyone who has Marfan or heard of it, drop me a line.


  • tallmansix
    is that a *kitten* in your mouth :wink:
    dang :blushing:

    Yes, sums up my humour. It's the image of what I don't want to be and is my starting point at MFP :embarassed:

    Will change the image when I am confidently free of the nicotine, until then I hope I continue to get mocked for it.