Drinking Sodas



  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,639 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    raymer3 wrote: »
    Okay! Go ahead and drink coke. I really don't care if you do or don't. If you don't like my post and you think it is false then drink all the coke you like. I know for a fact that sodas raise your glucose levels. I know for a fact it is not good for you to drink if you have a fatty liver like me. So risk your health and others by claiming it doesn't hurt you. It sounds like all of you got it figured out. Sorry for the post if it offended anyone. lol

    Meowwww! You posted a giant article about the dangers of sugar on an internet board that espouses moderation and dietary choices focused primarily on calorie consumption. You're surprised you got responses?

    I'm sure you meant to enlighten the masses, but you really can't post something on the internet and think people are not going to react. Next person might say we shouldn't eat cookies ever or eat meat or eat flour. Same thing would happen.

    *kitten* you, you *kitten* *kitten*! What is this *kitten*? *kitten*!


    (I typed in all those kittens.)

    (No, I didn't.)

    (I obviously like my cookies.)

    Edited to add: Previewing the post does NOT censor words.

    Man, I really wish we had a Cracking Up / LMAO reaction choice!


    I was trying to figure out who I was channeling and JUST NOW finally did. Cliff from Doom Patrol. He has such a potty mouth :)