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Expanded Fasting tool

It's great that feature was added. To improve allow to edit the existing saved fast. So people fast longer than 16 hrs. We want to keep track of reality. Also the ability to use the projection in 6 weeks button. It won't predict because you didn't consume at least 1000 calories. Of course not you're fasting. It would be great to average an entire week and give a full body view. Exercise vs calories vs sleep all compared. If you skip a day it should start over with a streak of averages. Sometimes your day is too busy or it's a celebration and you don't want to (or couldn't) track everything. Love the app!!👍🏻
2 votes

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  • gatorgalct
    gatorgalct Posts: 2 Member
    I meant you shouldn't have to start over with a streak if you miss a day.
  • tfayson20
    tfayson20 Posts: 1 Member
    I also intermittent fast, and also rotate the times that I fast. It would be nice to have a way to show which meal I skipped when fasting.
    Also having the ability to track an extended multiple day fast, I incorporate one about every 3-4 months.